Columnist | Introducing the columns written by member of Amorepacific Group
Recently, a YouTuber said that Amorepacific must become a social enterprise that fulfills its social responsibilities. When I speak with employees and the management, they stress that we are living in a time when all companies must adapt to the changing trend, such as the rise of ESG issues, as social enterprises. However, it seems that they are mistaken about the term “social enterprise.” According to Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency (KoSEA), a social enterprise is a corporate organization that falls somewhere between being a for-profit organization and a non-profit organization that is focused primarily on social objectives but, at the same time, engages in sales activities, such as the production and sales of goods and services. In legal terms, a social enterprise is an entity certified to pursue social objectives aimed at enhancing the quality of life of community residents by providing vulnerable social groups with social services or job opportunities or by contributing to the communities while conducting its business activities, such as the manufacture or sale of goods and services (Article 2.1 of the Social Enterprise Promotion Act).Beautiful Store, creating a beautiful world of sharing and circulation
Touch4Good, touching the discarded resources and the minds
of the people that throw them away
Antenna, designers of everything visible from graphic design
to architectural design
BEAR.BETTER, promoters of sustainable employment for
people with developmental disabilities
Zero Space, promoting co-existence of people and the planet
and offering sustainable design that reduces waste
LOVE RE PAPER, a human company drawing love
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