Shin No-ah, #Turning 24 hours a day into 48 hours - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
#My Hashtag
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Shin No-ah, #Turning 24 hours a day into 48 hours

No-ah's time flows differently

Amorepacific Creative Center, Restore Business Team Shin No-ah

Shin No-ah is a designer on Amorepacific’s Restore Business Team. But she’s more than just a designer. From signage to seasonal uniforms, pop-up events, and every element of the brand, whether small or big, she’s been there to work on all of those. And she seems to love being busy with her work. Below in Amore Stories [My Hashtag], Shin No-ah talks about five key words that best describe her life as lived fully in the moment.






#Amore flagship store
I am in charge of design for Amorepacific's flagship stores - Amore Seongsu, Yongsan, and Busan. I design store signage, brochures, product packaging, seasonal staff uniforms and even goods for each store. Normally when people hear about design work at a cosmetics company, they think of product packaging and gift sets, but I’m a space designer, and the scale of my work is different from what they think. I need to consider environmental factors, for example, weather. My role is to think of what customers would need and how we could make them most comfortable, and to make changes as needed. In my opinion, the flagship store is where various moments come together, and it plays a specific role in those moments.






#CSR design
I am very much interested in CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility), which is a part of the company's commitment to taking responsibility for its impact on society. Just lately I got a good chance through the Amorepacific Creative Partners Program to design the Yonguemmaek Festival, which is a beer festival held in the traditional Yongmun Market in Yongsan-gu, Seoul, together with the Amorepacific CSR Team. It was a big project outside of my ordinary work, and I was grateful for this chance to be able to expand my scope. Seeing people coming to the place that I designed, and having a good time, was a great joy for me.






#Turning 24 hours a day into 48 hours
I’m very interested in fashion, furniture, food, space, music and other elements of lifestyle, as well as trends. I try to make time to visit and find things to learn from pop-up events, held around Amore Seongsu, which our team has designed. My team also goes on an insight trip, as it's important to see and learn things together and to build team chemistry. Personally I take 30 minutes or one hour every morning and night to gather insights. Because I’m always busy, my friends often say that I live 48 hours a day and that my time flows differently.






I play tennis with my tennis club members at work, once a week. And even on weekends, I make time to play tennis with my friends. I’m about two years into playing tennis but it’s still not easy. Anyway, I get energy from running around on the tennis court outside, and it’s also a great chance to interact with my workmates. Even though I’m not good at tennis, they kindly teach me how to play. I am the kind of person who gets energy from being around people, and I love these chances to refresh myself together with others through playing tennis.






#To-do list
I am a big J-type person according to MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator), and I cannot help but make and complete to-do lists every day. I love the feeling of accomplishment I get when I’ve done everything on a long to-do list. One of the things that stressed me out when I was younger was that I was living without any life goal. Now that I think about it, I was just doing my best in the present and living in the moment. I am curious about what the future will bring. But I will not just be wondering: I’ll continue to live fully in the present moment and work healthily and happily for as long as I can.







‘My Hashtag’ shares your colleagues' thoughts on working at Amorepacific and sees how they are making a more beautiful life. The series uses five keywords to share their different lifestyles. Those keywords will help you find out what beauty each of them has in themselves.


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