Upcycling Project, PLATE [A] - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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Upcycling Project, PLATE [A]



Jin Hyun-jo Creative Center, Next Space Team



Greetings. I am Jin Hyun-jo from the Creative Center's Next Space Team.
Today, I am excited to introduce the PLATE [A] project our team has diligently worked on. PLATE [A] represents an upcycled plate, material borne of Amorepacific's empty cosmetic containers, carrying the distinctive patterns and colors emblematic of our brand, given new life.





As you may know, since 2000, our company has been actively collecting used cosmetic containers through the Green Cycle campaign in our stores. Beyond mere collection, these containers have been repurposed into construction materials, benches, and art installations. As a designer, directly engaging in such initiatives piqued my interest in sustainability and led me to a newfound appreciation for the beauty and value of what was once considered mere waste. Despite various applications, I realized that the recycling rate for these plastic containers needs to be higher. It was at this juncture that the idea of creating upcycled plates from these discarded cosmetics containers emerged, and thus, the PLATE [A] project commenced.





Since upcycling plastic into usable plates is a concept that numerous companies and startups have actively pursued, the concept, in itself, is not a remarkable discovery. However, the conviction that it is a meaningful endeavor lies in our ability to recycle our products and the addition of unique patterns and colors that are inimitable.

When we produced the plates, the resulting patterns were vibrant and dramatic, akin to the work of an oil painter. Brand logos and product fragments embedded on the surface encapsulate the remnants of their origins, inviting an immediate recognition of the plates' implication upon first encounter.





Our focus was not solely aesthetic; we also considered the material's functionality. PLATE [A] has passed tests for harmful substance emission, flame resistance, accelerated weathering, impact resistance, tensile strength, and bending strength, certified by domestic and international agencies. With performance on par with conventional plastics, it can be cut and joined for various applications. Our production method also minimizes harmful substances by inducing bonding between materials through a sheet press method, significantly improving over the conventional pellet approach.



A Photo of Test Certificates



The inception of PLATE [A] was not a response to a request or need. Hence, we understand its value more than anyone and are eager to share it. As a team that designs and creates spaces, we have drawn inspiration from PLATE [A] to freely compose spaces using upcycled accessories, furniture, and finishes. In the newly opened New Commerce office space ‘Café N’ in 2022, we redesigned the façade signage and experience-space furnishings. In the 2023 ‘E-mart Yeonsu Store’ renovation, we applied the vivid colors of the plates to the furniture's side panels, enhancing the store's uniqueness and appeal.



New Commerce Store

Bukchon House between houses
/ E-mart Yeonsu Store



Lastly, I want to convey that despite appearances of progress, the journey towards sustainability is still long. The utilization of discarded plastics is minimal, and substituting traditional materials incurs significant costs. Moreover, surpassing the conventional notion of ‘recycling’ requires the aspiration to discover beauty that is ‘as good as new’ (if not better). Currently, PLATE [A] utilizes only a limited range of cosmetic container materials and has yet to achieve the ability to replace original products or create any desired color entirely. Nevertheless, our ultimate goal is for cosmetic containers to be infinitely recyclable, contributing towards an ideal state where ‘waste’ no longer exists. Your continued interest in the activities and challenges of PLATE [A] is greatly appreciated.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the CSR team and the Sustainable Management Center staff, who have played a crucial role in the birth of PLATE [A].





Making a more beautiful world.
It’s the purpose behind everything we do at Amorepacific.
It’s why in 1993 we dedicated ourselves to taking full responsibility for the impact of our products.
Rather than celebrating accomplishments, we focus on what needs to be done next.
Always asking: “how can we create new beauty that benefits the world”?

We start with deep empathy for our customers, society, and the natural world all around us.
Creating the ties that bind and working together to create a more beautiful world.

In that spirt,
Amorepacific will change how plastic products are made, bought, used and discarded.

We will:
Use Less.
Recycle More.
Maximize plastic lifespans.

It’s our responsibility, and our commitment.
To you.
To ourselves.
To the planet.
Let’s think again about how we use plastics in our everyday lives.

By joining hands, the world becomes even more fantastic. 

So let's reduce plastic for a more beautiful world.

Less Plastic. We are Fantastic!


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