AMOREPACIFIC R&D Center holds an anti-aging symposium - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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AMOREPACIFIC R&D Center holds an anti-aging symposium

AMOREPACIFIC Corporation (CEO Shim Sang-bae) held a symposium on a new anti-aging ingredient Bio-seletinoid™ (Bio-seletinoid™ Symposium) at AMOREPACIFIC R&D Center in Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea at 2 p.m. on August 17.

At the symposium, AMOREPACIFIC Corporation shared the results of its latest research into skin aging and made a presentation on the effects of Bio-seletinoidTM in skin aging treatment. Speaking at the symposium are Professor Kim Beom-joon from the Department of Dermatology at Chung-Ang University Medical Center, Professor Kim Jin-woong from the Department of Applied Chemistry at Hangyang University, Professor Hwang Jae-seong from the Department of Genetic Engineering at Kyunghee University, and Researchers Noh Ho-sik and Lee Hae-gwang from the Skin Sciences Research Lab at the AMOREPACIFIC R&D Center.

Bio-seletinoidTM is a new anti-aging ingredient specifically designed to act on the anti-aging acceptors in the skin to treat skin aging that apprear in many different ways sequentially like dominoes. It has also been tested by the Korea Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for its anti-wrinkle and whitening functions. AMOREPACIFIC R&D Center researchers continue to look into innovative new anti-aging ingredients, including Bio-seletinoidTM following considerable progress in this field made by its research network located across Korea and abroad.

The symposium features presentations on the latest trends in the treatment of skin aging, research into skin aging and pigmentation, and a talk about the innovative anti-aging ingredient Bio-seletinoid™, which was developed with the most advanced molecule modeling technology, and Bio Active delivery technology. There is also a presentation on the effects of Bio-seletinoid™ in improving the skin as well as discussion about the effective delivery of bio active ingredients.

"This symposium is designed to facilitate discussion about the research results of our innovative anti-aging ingredient Bio-Seletinoid™, which has been developed by experts working globally to resolve the problem if skin aging for people all around the world. AMOREPACIFIC R&D Center will continue to work together with leading research institutions and respond fast to the market trends for the beauty and health of customers all over the world", said Han Sang-hoon, the director of AMOREPACIFIC R&D Center.

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