Amorepacific Publishes Paper on Green Tea Probiotics’ Effect on Improving Gastric Damage - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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Amorepacific Publishes Paper on Green Tea Probiotics’ Effect on Improving Gastric Damage

  • Publishing the effect of alleviating gastric ulcers and gastritis found in green tea probiotics from Jeju’s organic tea fields
  • Identifying helpful benefits to modern day Korean consumer with alcohol consumption, stress, and spicy and salty diet
  • Green Tea Probiotics Research Center, R&D Center, Amorepacific discovered the effect of green tea probiotics found in Jeju’s organic tea fields on improving gastric damage. The findings were published in the March edition of Frontiers in Microbiology, a leading SCI-grade international journal in the field of microbiology. (Paper Title: Amelioration of Alcohol Induced Gastric Ulcers Through the Administration of Lactobacillus plantarum APSulloc 331261 Isolated From Green Tea)

    In February this year, the R&D Center established Green Tea Probiotics Research Center to strengthen research into new probiotics found in the organic tea fields of Jeju and to expand the research scope of microbiome , including microorganisms. Based on vast research the company conducted since 2010, the center has identified that the plant-derived green tea probiotics (Lactobacillus plantarum APsulloc 331261) exclusively found in Jeju’s organic Dolsongi tea field are outstanding in several features over the common probiotics.

    The Green Tea Probiotics Research Center identified that the exclusively patented green tea probiotics (GTB1TM) alleviate gastric ulcers and gastritis through a research jointly conducted with Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Holzapfel, Chairman of the International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene (ICFMH) and a world-renowned scholar in the field of microbiology. The research also confirmed that the green tea probiotics (GTB1TM) hold outstanding properties in regulating gastritis, showing anti-inflammatory effect while suppressing gastric damage in a non-clinical model of alcohol-induced gastric ulcers.

    This resolves the drawback of antibiotics used in treating gastric ulcers having a negative effect on the gut microbiota ecosystem. In particular, the paper published that the finding has more meaning in that taking the green tea probiotics (GTB1TM) can suppress gastric damage while increase various beneficial intestinal bacteria, improving gastrointestinal health overall.

    Head of R&D Center Park Youngho said, “The findings of the effect of green tea probiotics released in the paper are valuable to the modern day Korean consumer because of the aspect of treating damage to both the stomach and intestines led by alcohol consumption, stress and spicy and salty diet” and showed his commitment by adding, “we will continue to verify the outstanding benefits of green tea probiotics and develop innovative products in various categories, such as health supplements and cosmetics, for customers.”

    1. 1 Microbiome: microbiota that reside within the human body and its genetic information
    2. 2 GTB1TM : the trade name of the plant-derived green tea probiotics (Lactobacillus plantarum APsulloc 331261) exclusively found in Jeju’s organic Dolsongi tea field
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