AmorePacific publishes “Asian Beauty” series - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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AmorePacific publishes “Asian Beauty” series

AmorePacific Foundation (Executive Director Hui Taek Lim) and Seohae Book Collection, a publisher, will publish “Asian Beauty” book series from 월? 25. The publication is part of a public research contest project called “Asian Beauty,” managed by the foundation since 2012.  

Research on Asian Beauty was planned to disclose the concept and characteristics of Asian beauty and promote research on the experiences and thinking of Asians on beauty. The foundation has held public research contests since 2012 on “The Concept of Asian Beauty,” “Asian Beauty and Body,” “Asian Beauty and Art,” “Asian Beauty and Daily Life,” among others. The selected researchers were supported KRW 20 million per book for their research.

The first and second books of the “Asian Beauty” series to be published this time are that of Professor Ok Sun Lee of Yonsei University, Korea, titled and Professor Seon Hui Park of Chonbuk National University titled . The first book with the subtitle of “Present and Future of Indian Women’s Beauty,” traces the historical and cultural changes in what constitutes a beautiful woman in India before Western beauty standards powerfully influenced it. It explores what beauty constitutes in India, what was considered their ideal beauty, and how they are different to Western or other Asian concepts of ideal beauty.

Professor Seon Hui Park’s second book compares traditional interior decoration of Korea, China, and Japan. Based on all kinds of interior decoration goods and living principles of the three countries, it focuses on the commonality and differences in the perfection of beauty of the three countries. It analyzes “Siheyuan housing,” evaluated as the ultimate living culture of China, “Shoin-zuriki” as the representative housing of the Japanese upper class, and “Banga Hanok” of Korea to investigate each country’s perception of beauty.

The publication of research results selected through the “Asian Beauty” public research contest will continue until 2018. The foundation plans to continue exploring and making widely known the value of Asian beauty by publishing books and carrying out the “Asian Beauty” research project.

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