AMOREPACIFIC opened a social contribution Internet site - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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AMOREPACIFIC opened a social contribution Internet site

AMOREPACIFIC launched a social contribution site online ( to strengthen its social contribution efforts with the participation of customers. To celebrate the opening of the site, it will hold a special event called “Click! Sharing love” in cooperation with the Beautiful Foundation and the AMOREPACIFIC Welfare Foundation from November 16th to December 31st. At the site, customers find the shelter for victims of sex trading called “Macdallena’s House” and are encouraged to click on the “love icon” with each click [Clicks are limited to two a day] obliging AMOREPACIFIC to invest 100 won for social contribution. The accumulated fund will be spent on improving the shelter for victims of sex trading. Customers who visit the site can see a gradual improvement of the shelter in a graphic visual in relation to the accumulated contribution. (The event will be automatically terminated on reaching the target amount of 5 million won with the foundation handing out the same 500 million won) AMOREPACIFIC, founded under the mission of “contributing to humanity by creating beauty and health”, has actively pursued various social contribution projects with the business philosophy that only the beautiful, sharing society can make customers happy. At the site, the previous social contribution efforts at promoting beauty and health for females and children are integrated so that customers can access the company’s social contribution activities, sharing the benefits more easily. Noteworthy in the site is the “sharing application terminal” which is the one stop area where various social contribution businesses that take place in many areas are gathered so that customers can apply for benefits directly. For one thing, females suffering from breast cancer can apply for financial support for surgery at the site. The Korea Breast Cancer Foundation (KBCF), established with the contribution from AMOREPACIFIC, gives financial support to 30-odd low-income breast cancer patients for surgery. Also free breast cancer exams can be applied for at this site. Every year, 3000 females get free exams. With the new site open, it is expected that more female can benefit. In addition, females and children afflicted with facial abnormalities can apply for surgery support. The facial abnormality surgery support project by the foundation is a program to help females and children of low-income families who suffer from facial abnormalities but cannot get treatment due to economic hardships strengthen their social functions and get rehabilitated with a hope of better future. In addition, social work facilities and institutions in need of material support can apply for the support through the “Sharing Application Terminal” and students and scholars who seek research funds can also apply at the site. The Director of the Project Support Division, Shim, Sang-bae notes that the “Click! Sharing love” event is designed to offer opportunities for those who wanted to volunteer but cannot find the right chance to contribute, leading to the spreading of the sharing culture. He also said that “as a female-friendly corporation, we feel particularly pleased to be able to share our customers’ love with marginalized females” summing up the purpose of the opening event. The social contribution site will be equipped with an online library for general and professional information on the social accountability of corporations and also an innovative corporate monitoring corner where customers can share their own opinions, through which efforts the site plans to show the mature and responsible corporate citizens in the open space of the Internet. 

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