AMOREPACIFIC Joined the UNGC First among Korean Cosmetic Producer - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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AMOREPACIFIC Joined the UNGC First among Korean Cosmetic Producer

On November 29, AMOREPACIFIC(President: Suh Kyung-bae) joined the UNGC, for the first time among Korean cosmetic firms. To join the UNGC is to express its determination to apply, practice, and improve steadily 10 causes about human right, labor, environment, and anti-corruption UNGC is claiming to stand for, in all business activities. Even prior to the joining the UNGC, AMOREPACIFIC has been trying to perform social responsibility like social contribution, labor-capital co-prosperity, ethical management, and environment-friendly management, to correspond to the patronage of customers, under the philosophy of 'industry for civilians', which aims to contribute to all human being by creating beauty and health. As an enterprise for women culture, AMOREPACIFIC is building up 'Keeping Women's Health of Korea Breast Health Foundation(Pink Ribbon Campaign, etc.), 'Self-supporting Aide for Home of Lone Mother(Hope Shop)', 'Assistant to Women Who Realize Dreams(Prize of AMOREPACIFIC Women Scientists), to return the love it received from women. Relation between labor and management of AMOREPACIFIC is so good that there has been no labor-capital conflict for 16 years since 1991, pursuing to be a co-prosperous enterprise. In 2004, AMOREPACIFIC won the 'Grand Prize of the Enterprise of New Labor-Management Culture'. In 2003, it declared ethical management to build up even dignified rapport with customers by practicing ethical, tranquil, and reasonable management, whereby it drove many campaign including 'Campaign of No-bribe'. Further, on the occasion of its 48th anniversary in 1993, AMOREPACIFIC declared the doctrine of unlimited responsibility in the field of environment, quality, and service, and, on the occasion of its 54th anniversary in 1999, it set up the goal and policy of environment. Ever since, it has been driving 'AMOREPACIFIC Green Movement'. Bjoining the UNGC this time, AMOREPACIFIC is going to lead the CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility), to upgrade its sustainable management activities through the exchange with the signatories of UNGC, to practice early detection and protection of potential corporate issues and risks through fulfillment of the UNGC obligations. Through such early detection and protection, AMOREPACIFIC could consolidate the foundation to enter into the global top 10 enterprises by 2015. UNGC, an international convention as well as a global behavioral norm urging spontaneous social responsibility of enterprises, was designed by the U. N. in 1999, and launched officially in 2000 to diffuse civil spirit of enterprises, as part of drive for sustainable management. UNGC is a behavioral norm and non-compulsory, spontaneous convention aiming at realizing sustainable and comprehensive world economy by supporting worldwide enterprises to fulfill their social responsibility according to 10 causes about human right, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. There are more than 4,700 member enterprises and organizations out of approximately 120 countries entered into the UNGC as of October, 2007. Korean members amount to approximately 90.

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