AMOREPACIFIC is developing the next-generation anti-aging beauty solution - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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AMOREPACIFIC is developing the next-generation anti-aging beauty solution

On 22nd, AMOREPACIFIC (President and CEO, Suh Kyung-bae) entered into a joint biomedical research agreement with a biomedical research institute under the Singapore national science research institution, A*STAR (Agency for Science Technology and Research) at Biopolis research complex, and announced that it would strengthen the mid-long term research strategy of biomedical cosmetics.

A*STAR is a Singaporean national institution that supports science research development activities and the fostering of human resources. It oversees a number of science research institutes in various fields and the institution boasts excellent research outcomes. Of particular note was research conducted in 2009 by Dr. Bruno Reversade of IMB (Institute for Medical Biology), a biomedical research institute of A*STAR, who revealed for the first time that excessive wrinkles were caused by the mutation of a specific gene (PYCR1) within the skin.

Accordingly, AMOREPACIFIC is planning to conduct joint research with IMB after entering into a work agreement with A*STAR, to develop an effective material that directly controls aging due to the mutation of gene PYCR1, and identify the working mechanism behind it. Through this, the company looks forward to securing new materials that will become the key in anti-aging technology and, ultimately, to developing a next-generation anti-aging beauty solution by applying the technology for commercialization. AMOREPACIFIC will invest 100,000 dollars in joint research & development during the two-year research period.

Hak-Hee Kang, CTO of AMOREPACIFIC R&D Centerof Amore Pacific who attended the agreement ceremony said, “We look forward to being able to provide an excellent anti-aging product to our customers by discovering and applying a unique new material as we strengthen our research capacity in anti-aging through joint research with a world-class biomedical research institution. He revealed his ambitions saying, "We will continue to strengthen our network with world-class biomedical researchers in the future as well.”

In the meantime, AMOREPACIFIC is strengthening its ‘Open Innovation’ capacity,  quickly responding to market trends by setting up an extensive research network with prominent universities and research institutes at home and abroad. Furthermore, the company is expanding its research & development to reach out to the global market by developing a specialized product which considers the skin features of the native women, local region, and climatic features through joint research with overseas medical schools and dermatology clinics.

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