We Will Lead the Advancement of Korea with New Technologies - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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  • https://stories.amorepacific.com/en/we-will-lead-the-advancement-of-korea-with-new-technologies

We Will Lead the Advancement of Korea with New Technologies

AmorePacific’s "World’s First Development of Rare Ginsenoid for Anti-Aging" technology was selected for the Top Ten New Korean Technologies and also received the Prime Minister’s Korean Technology Awards 2009. 
The Top Ten New Korean Technologies and the Korean Technology Awards were hosted by the Ministry of Knowledge Economy and sponsored by the Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology. These awards were made to develop a bond of sympathy among the people towards the importance of industrial technologies and to advertise the excellence of their technology. The awards ceremony was held on December 15 this year at the Grand Ball Room in the Grand International Seoul. 
AmorePacific made it possible to mass-produce Compound K and Ginseonoside F1, ingredients of rare red ginseng, through the appropriate technology, and proved their active functions on skin through omics technology, a state-of-the-art biotechnology. The appropriate ingredients were produced when saponin of red ginseng is decomposed by an intestinal microorganism. They were known to be very effective ingredients of red ginseng. However, red ginseng has too minute an amount of them that it was difficult to obtain them in a large quantity. AmorePacific’s new technology is recognized for taking advantage of selective bioconversion of enzymes. It overcomes the problem with this technology, and at the same time, as it is not a chemically combinatorial technology, it does not pollute our environment but instead contributes to reducing energy. To increase its environmental value even more, it also uses natural products for all of the ingredients included in the processes. 
In addition, while developing the technology, AmorePacific reinterpreted the existing sundry records to implement the theories of oriental treatment, and proved ‘Fresh and Ripe Theory’ scientifically to have it applied to Jaum Fresh Cream and Seomrian Cream for Sulhwasoo. The Fresh and Ripe Theory is an important theory on processing medicinal herbs, meaning that there is an optimal temperature in the fresh and ripe drugs. Yeom Myung Hoon, senior researchers of AmorePacific, said, "We investigated the ingredients of natural oriental medicinal herbs, which had been used as a simple extract, and we discovered that after technological fusions with the state-of-the-art science, this technology revealed the efficacy of those ingredients on skin. So we expect that it will contribute to driving the standards of our cosmetics technology to a higher level."
Also, AmorePacific manufactured enzyme-processed red ginseng saponin through the oriental medicinal application technology and obtained the permission of new raw materials and the certification on the functional ingredients from KFDA. It is the first example in the world utilizing ginseng for anti-wrinkle ingredients. And AmorePacific received the IR Jangyoungshil Award (2008) for Sulhwasoo Jaham Cream, which applies these ingredients, and was selected for the Science Technology and Industrial Accomplishments 24 of Korea 2008 (2009). They could receive the Top Ten New Korean Technologies and Korean Technology Awards on the basis of these technology backgrounds. So they expect that it will contribute to improving the efficacy of their products a great deal.

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