AmorePacific awarded an Excellent Company in Female R & D Employment - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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AmorePacific awarded an Excellent Company in Female R & D Employment

 AmorePacific (CEO Sang Bae Shim) was awarded the Korean Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Award at the awarding ceremony of “Excellent Companies Additionally Employing Female R & D Personnel,” held in the Midas IT meeting room in Pangyo, Bundang-gu, Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, on (월) 15. 

The awards were endowed as a follow-up to “measures to expand the employment of female R & D personnel in companies” presented jointly by the Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Korean Federation of Women’s Science and Technology Associations, a corporation, and other relevant government agencies. AmorePacific was selected for the Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Award for its family-friendly policies and efforts made so far to foster and additionally employ competent female R & D personnel.

AmorePacific has created a working environment that treats male and female employees equally for their harmonious working through equal employment, evaluation, pay, and welfare benefits as part of efforts made to foster and expand excellent female R & D personnel. Thanks to such efforts made, the share of female R & D personnel and managers in its R & D Center has steadily grown (ratio of female R & D personnel in the R & D Center was 47% and female managers accounted for 36% as of 2013).

 In addition, AmorePacific has worked hard to effectively observe a family-friendly corporate culture so  thatits staff would enjoy a quality life and happiness. It manages “AmorePacific Childcare” facility inside the office building to alleviate staff’s childcaring and education burden and introduced and is managing a system of “ABC Working Time” that enables staff to flexibly choose their working hours. Thanks to such efforts made, the number of staff members taking childbirth leave and maternity leave in the AmorePacific R & D Center is annually growing. 

“AmorePacific is working hard to create a pleasant and efficient working environment wherein the staff can enjoy delving into their work and exercise their full capacity,” said Director Sim Uk Yuk of the Research Management of the AmorePacific R & D Center. “AmorePacific will continue to work hard to foster and employ excellent personnel to realize its vision as a ‘Great Global Brand Company.”

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