AMOREPACIFIC sponsors KSBB’s international symposium - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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AMOREPACIFIC sponsors KSBB’s international symposium

AMOREPACIFIC (CEO Sang Bae Shim) sponsored the symposium held under the theme of “Omics Approaches to Understanding the Skin and Aging Processes” on October 7 and participated in the Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (KSBB) Fall Meeting and International Symposium held in the Changwon Exhibition Convention Center (CECO).

The KSBB’s international symposium held from October 5 to 7 under the theme of “Innovative Biotechnology for Human Life and Industry,” is Korea’s largest event on bioscience. About 1,500 participated in the 2014 KSBB Fall Meeting and International Symposium, including world-famous scholars from the academe, research centers and many industries. In addition, international symposia in 7 fields and about 500 latest research results in 11 fields will be presented.

AMOREPACIFIC is specifically supporting the symposium organized by the Functional Bio and Fusion Materials Engineering Committee which is held under the theme of “Omics Approaches to Understanding the Skin and Aging Processes” from 1:30 p.m. on October 7 (today). At the symposium, Dr. Jun Hirabayashi (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Dr. Ik-sun Jang (Korea Basic Science Institute), Professor Minsoo Noh (College of Pharmacy, Seoul National University), Professor Ju-hui Lee (College of Medicine, Yonsei University), Professor Hae-yeong Chung (College of Pharmacy, Pusan National University) and other distinguished scholars, including Cell Science Research Team Leader Dong-uk Shin of the AMOREPACIFIC R&D Center will participate as speakers. At the symposium, the latest anti-aging “Omics”[1]-based research and knowledge, which is a recently rising issue in the academe both from the local and global perspectives, will be shared to forecast the future of new anti-aging research.

“Our support for and participation in this year’s KSBB Fall Meeting and International Symposium is a great opportunity for AMOREPACIFIC to share its anti-aging research achievements made in line with the latest technological trends with Korean and global scholars,” said Sang-hun Han, Executive Director & Head of AMOREPACIFIC R&D Center.

“The AMOREPACIFIC R&D Center will continue to develop and research the best new anti-aging solutions for our global clients.”

[1] “-ome” means a lump. Just like “genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and bioinformatics,” omics is a study field that perceives a living organism as a network and investigates the interaction of factors composing the network to comprehensively understand and research living organisms.”
(AmorePacific R & D Center’s Bio Research Center)

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