Recently, Amorepacific China (APC) was designated as a ‘leading company in responding to COVID-19′ and was published as a success case in the local report titled, ‘Research findings on the COVID-19 responses of companies in China’. APC’s structured response and countermeasures to t
Absolute Quality is one of Amorepacific’s spirits we continue to this day since the company’s establishment. That is because quality is the foundation of making our customers happy. Our Absolute Quality philosophy began from the kitchen of Yun Dokjeong, mother of founder Suh Sungwhan. Sh
On Wednesday, May 13th, Amorepacific Taiwan (APTW) finished the 2nd Town Hall Meeting this year – “Reverse our thinking, embrace all changes.’’ In coherence to social-distancing principles during the COVID-19 situation, the Town Hall Meeting took place in a very digital way – Live
Research that Began from a Simple Curiosity About 10 years ago, researchers working on green tea development who made fermented tea using organic green tea leaves thought, ‘wouldn’t using bacteria living in green tea leaves in fermenting the leaves add more aroma to the tea?’ Gre
▲ RATIONALE flaship store and Essential Six Product Line Amorepacific announced a partnership with Australian luxury skincare company RATIONALE Group (hereafter RATIONALE) on 14 May 2020. In an effort to strengthen its luxury portfolio, as well as to secure leadership in the personalized cosmeti
Launches award-winning 3D Printing Mask Technology through its brand IOPE Amorepacific, Korea’s leading Beauty Company, officially unveiled its ‘Lab Tailored 3D Mask’ from IOPE, the company’s skincare brand known for scientifically produced products. A 2020 CES Innovation Award honoree, the