Welcome to my Wellness Life! - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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Welcome to my Wellness Life!

 Kim Geeyoung is in charge of internal process improvement and ethical management at Compliance Team, Compliance & Risk Management Div., Legal Unit. She looks chic and urbane outside, but she is full of passionate energy inside, leading 'Wellness Life' for healthy and happy mind and body. Despite feeling a bit shy to introduce her 'Wellness Life' to her colleagues at Amorepacific, she stood in front of camera with her unique positive energy.

  "I like working out in general and I do everything actively with passion. I have been doing various exercises such as yoga, workout at gym and Pilates to revitalize my life as an office worker. Then I came across pole dancing by chance through a friend. Gaining a sense of achievement through a fun exercise like pole dancing, my life has become so much more fun. I feel that my life is full of healthiness and energy. I am honored to be able to introduce my exciting daily life to the colleagues at Amorepacific."

 Kim Geeyoung first came across pole dancing, which was a bit unfamiliar to her at that time, 4 years ago through her friend. She was drawn to the beautiful pole dance moves of her friend and got completely into pole dancing that excited both her mind and body.

 When she first started pole dancing, there were many difficulties. It was scary to lift her feet off the ground and using her muscles to push and pull the pole was not easy either. But, with her strong focus, she began to enjoy pole dancing soon enough.

 "Pole dancing is both cardio and muscle workout which helps balance your body and it makes you look healthy and fit. But the real charm of pole dancing is that it gives you a sense of achievement. Every time I faced difficulties in learning a new move, it triggered my desire for winning. I set step-by-step goals with the dance moves that I needed to learn. Whenever I finally achieved a goal, I felt tremendous joy."
 Kim Geeyoung spends a lot of time on pole dancing for an office worker. She practices pole dancing 2~3 hours a day, 2 to 3 days per week and while she is practicing, she forgets all stresses from life. When she is focusing on each pole dance move, things that bother her in daily life naturally disappear from her mind.
As pole dancing is a part of her daily life, she gets opportunities to present pole dance performances 3~4 times a year with her colleagues that she practices with. For 1~2 months, they would set up schedules and fine tune dance moves and choreography together. There were some challenges including multiple injuries but preparing and presenting performances full of passion has been the most fun experience.

 The fact that Kim Geeyoung has acquired professional certificate for pole dancing further proves how serious she is in the sport. Until 1 year after she first started pole dancing, professional certificate seemed like a distant goal. However, the more she got into pole dancing, the more ambitious she became, and she started to have a new goal.

  "Once I set a new goal, which was 'professional certificate', I started practicing really hard. I would spend one full day during weekend on pole dancing. First, I got Professional Course Level 2 Certificate, then went for the next one, Course Level 1 Certificate. Of course, I had some injuries and went into slump a few times as well. It took me 3~4 months to learn one of the basic moves that were necessary for Course Level 1 Certificate. But I still pull myself together, and my desire for winning was triggered again. I kept trying hard with passion and determination to complete it, which was why I could get the certificate. In that process, I could feel myself growing so much."
 Kim Geeyoung's healthy energy affected Oh Gina, Kim's colleague at Enterprise Risk Management Team of the same Compliance & Risk Management Div. Oh Gina, who was close to Kim Geeyoung, saw a video of Kim Geeyoung's pole dance by chance and thought Kim Geeyoung looked so cool in the video. After trying it only once, Oh Gina started pole dancing right away. She is now learning pole dance with her step-by-step goals. Remembering the excitement of holding the pole for the first time, she is getting more and more into pole dancing.

 Kim Geeyoung got a wrist injury while practicing for performance and is now receiving treatment, but she is not giving up on pole dancing. Her body is always covered with bruises, but she still enjoys pole dancing. She has one more goal. 'Aerial Fitness' refers to sports that use pole, hoop and fabric and Kim Geeyoung is now learning aerial hoop. Achieving another goal is fun and exciting for her.

 "Sometimes I feel I am losing 'myself' when I just come and go between work and home. That is why I always try to practice pole dancing after work before I go home. Pole dancing is the time solely for 'Kim Geeyoung', so it keeps my mind and body healthy while helping me relieve stresses. I hope my colleagues at Amorepacific can lead an exciting and fun life too. Whether it is a sport or a hobby, it is important to just go for it first. I recommend that you make your life fun and energetic with that sport or hobby. Isn't this the real 'Wellness Life' that leads to healthy mind and body?"

 We hope the energy of Kim Geeyoung, who showed us a fresh and beautiful smile that resemble her healthy mind and body, can reach other staff members of Amorepacific.

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