Two sisters on a happy journey together - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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Two sisters on a happy journey together


Two sisters on a happy journey together

AMORE Counselors Kim Shinok and Kim Mikyung

Family is your greatest supporter, standing by your side no matter what. Kim Shinok and Kim Mikyung are sisters and both are AMORE Counselors. They have supported each other within the cocoon of a caring family and worked together, serving every customer as if they too are family members. The two sisters have the same good, honest nature and bright smile. The big sister has a gentle heart but is tough and leads from the front. The younger sister, however, has a strong heart but prefers to guide gently from the back. Together, they continue their happy journey in both life and work.

Synergy to boost each other's courage
Relationships have great powers to change lives. Kim Shinok is an AMORE Counselor with 15 years of experience and her little sister, Kim Mikyung joined one year later. Both are valuable members of Amorepacific. In her 20s, Kim Shinok began her working life as a beauty trainer at Amorepacific. She became a full-time housewife for a while after marriage, but came back as an AMORE Counselor. She said that being a counselor at Amorepacific was not just a job but a vocation. Through her work of beautifying herself and interacting with people, she was able to enjoy her life with confidence. That's why she advised her sister to join her fulfilling profession. "I also worked for Amorepacific as a beauty trainer over four years. But I hesitated for about one year when my sister asked me to join her and become an AMORE Counselor. But now I enjoy my work. I even wish I could have begun working earlier. Of course, I am grateful to my sister."
The sisters are now not only family – they are co-workers. To Kim Mikyung, big sister Kim Shinok is a reliable mentor and role model. The goal of becoming a more outgoing counselor like her sister motivated Kim Mikyung. For Kim Shinok, however, her younger sister is a big support. She said that her sister, with good knowledge of beauty and great makeup skills, has already outgrown her as counselor.

They try new products together and talk about what happened at work when the whole family gathers around. And thanks to that, they have become closer than ever. Doing the same job gives a good conversation piece and also helped the sisters better understand each other.

The power of sincere effort and communication
Kim Shinok believes that a counselor should be able to listen well. She listens carefully to customers and never talks about them behind their backs. Such a strong sense of duty is what brings customers back to Kim Shinok again and again. Moreover, she continues to learn and better herself in order to have pleasant and engaging conversations with customers.

"I sometimes take the elderly and disabled to a hospital, and take care of customers and their household matters as well. Instead of building buyer-seller relationships from the beginning, I open my heart and become friends with people first. And when I make friends with them, they soon turn into my dear customers."

In addition, Kim Mikyung emphasizes that a counselor should keep an open mind and continue to improve themselves. Counselors should take part in training programs, have a complete understanding of products and strive to grow instead of staying complacent.
"I tend to move around, looking for new customers. I go almost everywhere – government offices and the neighboring areas. I think there is no royal road to making sales. It's always best to invest time and energy into interacting with people."

Now there are customers who offer a nice home-cooked meal and even kimchi they prepared. To the two sisters, customers are like family. They are always sincere and faithful to them to keep strong mutual trust.

"It's perhaps in our blood, but neither of us use flowery words well. It is not a good quality for sale representatives in a way, but we have confidence in the quality of Amorepacific's products. And in turn, it is a sincere attitude that keeps good long-term relationships with customers."

The sisters believe in keeping high standards and a sincere attitude. Trust is built upon sincerity and the mutual trust with customers grows stronger with time. Big sister takes the lead and younger sister pushes from back. They sometimes fight like everyone else, but feel lonely without each other. They shared tears and laughter as they spoke of their appreciation and true feelings for each other. Between them, there is the strong bond that only sisters, or perhaps co-workers, can have.

※ This is the English version of the article featured in , the bi-monthly corporate communication magazine.

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