Sales Come from Trust and Putting Clients First - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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Sales Come from Trust and Putting Clients First


Sales Come from Trust and Putting Clients First

Park Seungpil

They say the path is open for those in search of it. In becoming manager of the AMOS PROFESSIONAL Gimhae Office in 2013, Park Seungpil resolved to bring about innovation to the sales agency that has repeatedly posted negative growth by focusing on work environment, customers and trust. With enthusiastic management based on improved expertise, he began to foster excellent sales growth. Let's find out about Park Seungpil, who is opening up a new path for successful sales based on his defiant attitude and sincerity.

Winning Customer Trust with a Transparent Sales Method
Park Seungpil, who worked his way up as a beauty master with outstanding sales performance at the AMOS PROFESSIONAL Pyeongtaek Office, was faced with a new challenge in April 2013 as the manager of the Gimhae Office. He has an impressive 20 years of sales experience prior to joining AMOS PROFESSIONAL, and the manager role represented an opportunity for the sales veteran to take on a new challenge. He resolved to be modest about the familiar methods he was accustomed to. He still takes care to maintain a client-focused attitude to build relationships founded on trust.

"I've been involved with sales for a long time, and yet I'm still nervous about visiting a client. I try to always be positive and confident in sales. It's important to sell products, of course, but there's more to it than that: I try to build a long-term trustworthy relationship by winning the client's trust."

When Park was put in charge of managing the Gimhae Office, the agency's transaction rate was extremely poor compared to the average. Moreover, following several replacements of the manager, there was a high attrition of salespeople. There was a clear business need for a new transition.
9:00 AM
News about various events planned independently as well as latest information about products is made into promotional materials so that clients can understand easily at a glance.
Park first replaced the official lists that had long been a custom of the industry. The official lists, which had been written by the agencies, salespeople and hair salons, were simplified from a handwritten collection of three lists into a single, computerized statement of account. This enabled salespeople to save time that had been put into writing the ledger, and also allowed hair salons – clients – to perceive precise product costs and transaction details. The manager could clearly determine and manage the product flow and transaction scale of the agency, thereby increasing transparency in trading and building the foundation for reinforcing client trust.

Park emphasizes to salespeople that "each salesperson represents AMOS PROFESSIONAL himself." He constantly stresses the fact that, since clients evaluate and understand the entire brand through just one salesperson, each salesperson must be discreet in words with a sense of responsibility and duty as a representative of AMOS PROFESSIONAL, and provide the best services without discrimination.
11:00 AM
It is the time for salespeople to gather in one place to share sales situations and strategies. They also talk about specialized education required by clients and lecturer invitations.

Growing with Clients Based on Expert Sales Skills
With the features of a specialized hair salon brand AMOS PROFESSIONAL that provides professional beauty solutions, Park enthusiastically promotes ways to sell and use the products on consumers. He hopes that hair salons using AMOS PROFESSIONAL will obtain high-quality information and benefits as well.

"A while ago we relocated our office to a space that is about 8 times bigger and is fully equipped with a seminar room. This is to reinforce specialized beauty education and promote communication with clients. We're holding seminars for clients to instill the business mind necessary for running a hair salon in addition to lectures about products. This is all part of the effort to make clients who use our products feel proud, and also to increase sales performance."
2:00 PM
It is time for a meeting with the manager of the hair salon. Differentiated services are provided based on expertise in presenting accurate use and instructions for products beyond just sales that involve a face-to-face encounter.
Park says he believes in the power of connections in relationships. That's why all hair salons in Gimhae are his potential clients. Holding various education programs is also one of the ways to build a connection. All these programs held in the seminar room not only promote the products, but also instill the perception in clients' mind that AMOS PROFESSIONAL is growing with them as a partner in the industry. In Gimhae, there were not many educational institutions for hair designers to study and mitigate the inevitable challenges that come after opening a salon. But AMOS PROFESSIONAL Gimhae Office builds a sense of fellowship along with trust by providing customized education for clients.

"Based on specialist and proven knowledge, client trust and confidence start with a faithful attitude to thoroughly explain the reason why our products are needed, or why they are created and how to use them, as well as what benefits they have."

Park considers clients as the top priority value and moves the hearts of clients in sales. We encourage him to constantly evolve by making wonderful client connections based on pride as a member of AMOS PROFESSIONAL.

※ This is the English version of the article featured in , the bi-monthly corporate communication magazine.

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