Rhee Min-jeon, AMOREPACIFIC Marketing Strategy Unit - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
#Executive Interview
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Rhee Min-jeon, AMOREPACIFIC Marketing Strategy Unit


Interview with members of the board aims to share the leadership's vision and promote seamless global communication

"Think outside the box and seek what's new!"

Rhee Min-jeon, AMOREPACIFIC Marketing Strategy Unit

Just as flowers show their true colors in the fresh green month of June, there is a man who expresses his unique individuality. He's Rhee Min-jeon in AMOREPACIFIC Marketing Strategy Unit. Dressed in a casual suit, with dyed hair and an earring in one ear, he gives the impression of being quite different from the typical executive.

News Square met with Rhee Min-jeon, a man who's become an icon of what's young and stylish. And at the interview, he was streets ahead of us in style. Now let's check out his brand new style and answers to our interview questions.

December 22, 1984
I still remember this day. It was my first day at AMOREPACIFIC. In the 30 years since, I have worked hard and fulfilled every duty assigned to me. In 2004, I was made an executive. I received the notice of appointment as President of eSpoir, but I couldn't believe it. I never imagined myself as an executive at that time. The year after, in 2005, I came across the brand ETUDE HOUSE. And after working for several Divisions of AMOREPACIFIC, I planted myself as the head of its Marketing Strategy Unit.

Sweet ETUDE HOUSE and ARITAUM for your beauty
ETUDE HOUSE was launched in 2005. It was an exciting moment to present the vision of ETUDE HOUSE – New Biz Model – to all customers. I visited every ETUDE HOUSE store around Korea and it was such a delight. I also remember the time when ARITAUM was launched back in 2008. It was the world's only manufacturing-combined retail brand and the opening of ARITAUM in Myeongdong remains a vivid memory. It was a great reward for all members of ARITAUM who had even given up their summer vacation and worked with passion and full commitment for the successful launch of ARITAUM.

Surfing the Internet
Social media, search engines and digital devices are widely used today, but back in the mid-2000s, people were not familiar with the Internet at all. I gained many ideas and insights through surfing online and it really helped me with the design of the ETUDE HOUSE project. Though I'm certainly not an early adopter, I'm never satisfied unless I get to experience whatever it is I'm curious about. I still hunt for digital contents and information. I read business magazines, newspapers and watch TV to learn about the world every day.

Brand-oriented mind

AMOREPACIFIC is highly praised for its marketing genius and I think that's because it puts its brands at its very heart. Everyone talks about brand and customers, but AMOREPACIFIC gives it a whole different level of thought. By changing the world through beauty, AMOREPACIFIC has a well-formulated marketing strategy centered on brands and customers. This is what makes AMOREPACIFIC popular among young students.

Answer to the question from Lee Sun-young, AMOREPACIFIC Corporate Audit 2 Team, about the reason why AMOREPACIFIC is praised by young students who want to be marketers.

Nickname : Zorba the Greek
I used the nickname "Zorba the Greek" – which is also the book's title. The main character in the book has a really different perspective toward life than I have. And I took the nickname out of admiration for all things that I cannot do, but Zorba could. I would never be able to do what he did, but I'd like think in the way that he did.

Answer to the question from Baek Seung-guk, AMOREPACIFIC Mass Discount Store Sales 2 Team about the reason behind using the nickname, "Zorba the Greek" in the communication channel.

Unique style? Think outside the box!

I like to dye my hair and try out new styles. And I'm interested in fashion. I once dyed my hair to different colors when ARITAUM released hair dye. I felt a little embarrassed, but I did it because that was what I wanted and it wouldn't hurt anyone. Some people recommended that I should look neat, but I thought that I shouldn't listen to anyone but myself.
I have also worn earrings since 2005. People are still prejudiced against men wearing earrings, but I wanted to break away from that staid way of thinking. The earring represents my determination to think and imagine in a way that's different from others.

Answer to the question from Kim Yong-hee, AMOREPACIFIC Purchasing Team about the reason to take an interest in fashion/hair style.

Communication for self-fulfillment
I like all members of AMOREPACIFIC. Getting along with young members makes me feel young again. I don't like to stand on ceremony. They are members of AMOREPACIFIC, the same as me, but I believe that I have to do the right thing as their senior. I say hello to them before they do, approach and shake their hands and listen to them before I say my piece.

Answer to the question from Kang Seung-min, AMOREPACIFIC Talent Strategy Team about his secret behind a friendly relationship and communication with members of AMOREPACIFIC.

Sincere attitude and marketing
Our family motto is "love yourself." Executives are members of AMOREPACIFIC, just as everyone else. As an executive, I want to be a person who doesn't give orders, but works with members of AMOREPACIFIC and encourages them to love themselves. We must all love everything within the ecosystem of AMOREPACIFIC – the company itself, brands, products and members – and recognize that each customer deserves our respect and service. This view of ours, in other words our sincere attitude, should be embodied into our marketing strategy.

Answer to the question from Angela Kim, AMOREPACIFIC Business Law Team about his own marketing strategy.

Beauty Platform Biz
As the head of Marketing Strategy Unit, my goal is to build a beauty platform. I'd like to make a mobile beauty platform to allow everyone in the world to experience Asian beauty and lifestyle. AMOREPACIFIC has a strong offline platform, but still has much to do when it comes to its mobile platform.

Happy life
I think living a happy life is about doing what one likes and what one's good at. It represents basic decency in terms of having to respect others and live together with them.
Life is short and the world is a kind of pit-stop. Let your feelings be your guide throughout life. Think outside the box and seek what's new while shaping your life. Your happiness comes before money and honor.

Makeup tips from Kwon In-sub and Kim Yeo-hoon (Premium Makeup Team)
We used a makeup base before the foundation to correct and even out the skin tone. And we used a foundation that's a little lighter than his undertone to make him look brighter for the photo shoot. We then added texture to his natural eyebrows and used a shading product along the outer edge of the face for natural contouring.

Hair tips from Gwak Ju-kyeong (Amos Training Team)
We blow dry the sides from top to bottom to keep the volume down and then added volume to the top section to create a more sophisticated look.

Clothing tips from stylist Yoo Min-hee
- A sleek-ink colored silk suit is matched with a classic tie. The material, fit and light color of comfortable shoes are the finishing touches for a nice, sharp business look.
- The stylish summer shirt, gray single jacket and cotton pants together make a casual business look. Plus, a patterned pocket square gives the overall look a dandyish charm.
News Square' s Special Interview underwent a complete transformation.
Executives will go through a big change with hair, makeup and fashion styling. Here's looking forward to seeing a whole new side of our executives!

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