Pink Wave should go on until next October - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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Pink Wave should go on until next October

Thanks to everyone who has been involved and the concerted effort between the Korea Breast Cancer Foundation and Amorepacific, the Pink Ribbon campaign has entered its third decade, celebrating 21st anniversary this year. As everything changes over time, there have probably also been changes with the campaign itself, the public awareness of breast health and the attitude of participants. These interviews with some of the members from Amorepacific and from the Korea Breast Cancer Foundation who have passionately led the Pink Ribbon campaign will show us the right direction as we move forward in October, November and for many more months to come, toward our ultimate goal: Healthy and beautiful lives for women.

Hello. Please, tell us about yourself.

Yujin) Hello. I am An Yujin in charge of the Pink Ribbon campaign at the Korea Breast Cancer Foundation :)
Bohye) Glad to meet you. I am Kim Bohye from the Korea Breast Cancer Foundation. I run the Make Up Your Life program (which offers beauty tips to female cancer patients who may be struggling with a sudden change in their appearance), a Financial Assistance Program for patients going through surgical treatment, and research projects.
Kisun) Hello. I am on the Amorepacific CSR Team, developing programs for diversity and inclusion, and I am also directing the global CSR programs.

Amorepacific and the Korea Breast Cancer Foundation have been running the Pink Ribbon campaign for years. What is Pink Ribbon campaign all about?

Yujin, Bohye) The Pink Ribbon campaign is designed to raise public awareness for breast cancer and to support healthy beauty for women. It was first started in 2000 by Amorepacific and the Korea Breast Cancer Foundation. It features the Pink Run, a running festival to promote the importance of early diagnosis, the Pink Tour for teaching how to do breast self-examinations, and the dance-to-donate challenge, Pink Move. Plus, it provides financial assistance to breast cancer patients who fall into the low-income bracket and support for research projects related to breast cancer.
Kisun) Amorepacific also hosts its Pink Ribbon campaign on a global scale and not just in Korea. Amorepacific China began the Moripao Marathon program, a global version of Pink Run, in 2016 to raise public awareness of breast and uterus health. It also provides free checkups and educational programs on two of the most common cancers (breast cancer and cervical cancer) through the China Women's Development Foundation. Amorepacific is also working to improve the social perception of women's health in China and to support the country’s female cancer patients throughout their physical and mental restoration.

You must have faced a number of challenges recently due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Can you describe what has changed?

Yujin) The biggest change we have come across is that the campaign went online. The Pink Run and Pink Tour used to take place offline and gathered a lot of participants together. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, however, face-to-face interactions have been minimized significantly. Pink Run now invites participants to download the running app and encourages participants to run wherever they want during the campaign and to post their records online. The Pink Tour also provides lectures online instead of directly visiting participants and teaching them how to do breast examinations.
Bohye) As breast cancer is increasingly affecting younger women and it is important to develop healthy habits to reduce the risk of breast cancer, we have introduced a new program that targets teenagers. It is said that 90% of breast cancers are attributed to environmental factors including a changed diet and a lack of exercise. That's why it is important for teenagers to take an interest in breast health and to develop healthy habits as they go through puberty. Accordingly, the Korea Breast Cancer Foundation opened a dance-to-donate challenge titled Pink Move on social media, mainly targeting millennials and Gen Z, in addition to an online educational program, the Pink Tour School.

You have been working with many participants and supporters for years. Who was the most memorable?

Yujin) I remember a woman in her 30s who sent a small donation to us. Because we are a corporate foundation and private donations are quite rare, we asked her why she gave the donation to us. She said, she found breast calcification when she had an X-ray during the Pink Run. She then went to a hospital for breast screening and in conclusion, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, but fortunately, it was detected early enough for her to undergo treatment. Her donation was a token of her gratitude to us. The campaign indeed helped her breast cancer be detected and get treated at an early stage, which in turn helped her be able to lead a healthy cancer-free life, for which we also felt very rewarded.
Bohye) I would like to share a message received from a female patient in her 30s, who had participated in the Make Up Your Life program. Everyone fears and worries about getting cancer and I felt that I could relate to her in particular because we were of the same age. I was glad that our campaign gave her some help to get through chemo even if it was only small.

I was diagnosed with cancer at an early age but fortunately I received treatment in time. However, I often teared up looking at myself in the mirror. My six-year-old son told me I looked beautiful like a princess even though I had lost all of my hair. I hoped that makeup could transform me into what my son thought of me; a beautiful princess.

What's next on your list?

Yujin) I think that Pink Run is the biggest pride and a great milestone in the history of the Pink Ribbon campaign. This year, participants from all around the world took part using a running app. I'd also like to further design and host a weekly relay running event in different regions throughout October, the Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It will be much more meaningful if the Amorepacific offices around the world join the Pink Run.?
Bohye) This year, we introduced a new program targeting teenagers and I’d like to actually take it further and raise their interest in breast health and healthy beauty. Not so long ago, we supported a teenage student with suspected breast cancer for her medical checkup. Thankfully, she did not have cancer according to the result, but she needed constant treatment. I hope that teenagers can understand the importance of early detection and that they can also develop healthy habits as early as possible to maintain their health through their 20s and 30s.

Lastly, what message would you like to leave for the Pink Ribbon participants?

Yujin) I’d like to thank everyone who takes an interest in and supports the Pink Ribbon campaign. I will continue to do my best to bring more participants, and to help them understand and share with the goal of our campaign.
Bohye) The Pink Ribbon campaign aims for the early detection and prevention of breast cancer, but it is not limited to any specific gender or age. The campaign is dedicated to the health of all individuals. Join in with our campaign to check your health, and invite your parents, wife, and other family members to do the same.

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