Offline Store that Captured the Hearts of the MZ Generation - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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Offline Store that Captured the Hearts of the MZ Generation

During when less consumers visit offline stores amid the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a place that attracts makeup maniacs by increasing experience services – none other than the eSpoir Hongdae Makeup Pub. Today, let's hear from makeup artist Park Do-kyung (Espoir Makeup Pro Team) in charge of eSpoir's Hongdae Makeup Pub.

  • Park Do-kyung, Espoir Makeup Pro Team

Q. Hello, Park Do-kyung. Please introduce eSpoir Hongdae Makeup Pub to us.
A. eSpoir Hongdae Makeup Pub opened in November 2017 under a trendy and carefree 'lounge pub' concept. The Hongdae Makeup Pub offers customized experience services including 'skin tone consulting', 'Mix and Play (lip color customizing service)', and the recently launched 'Powder and Play (powder making service).'

  • Foundation cylinders that look like beer taps (left) / Beauty crew performing 'Mix and Play' (right)

Q. Explain to us a little bit about the experience services.
A. 'Skin tone consulting' is a service offered at our 'Face Tailor Zone' where our makeup artist provides professional face consulting and finds the perfect foundation color that fits individual customer's skin tone. Customers can take with them the right color for their skin tone from 9 different foundation cylinders that look like beer taps. Amorepacific Group members would already know about these cylinders from images or videos.

'Mix and Play' is a performance of mixing trendy lip colors on the spot by our artists and it is held every Friday and Saturday at 7 pm. You can also check out our Instagram account (@makeup_pub) for more details. The color items created after every amazing performance are then shared and provided to customers.

  • 'Powder and Play' service that creates customized powder products combing selected three colors

Q. I think 'Powder and Play' was performed at the Gangnam Showroom.
A. That's right. It is a service that allows customers to select three colors out of a total of 30 different powders to create an item with the colors and design customers want. In other words, they are one of a kind customized powder. The service is already popular among customers at the Gangnam Showroom and we are looking forward to offering the service at our Hongdae Makeup Pub as well.

  • Makeup service, 'Beauty Crew Touch-up' is free and open for reservations on eSpoir's official website

Q. Are the main target customers of Hongdae Makeup Pub the MZ generation?
A. I think the Hongdae Makeup Pub is the perfect space for the MZ generation (millennials and Generation Z) who are familiar with digital environment and desire recent trends and unique experiences. Our 'skin tone consulting' that allows customers to take foundation from beer dispensing machine, our 'Mix and Play' that creates one-of-a-kind lip color by mixing different colors, and our 'selfie zones' where customers can take gorgeous photos perfectly fit all the needs of MZ customers who seek fun at offline stores.

Q. Lastly, are there any changes made to the store due to COVID-19?
A. We are making efforts to disinfect our store for the safety of our customers as well as our Beauty Crew (makeup artists and on-site members) following COVID-19. We also use a digital shade finder (colorimetric device) to measure skin tone to avoid touching customers' skin during our 'skin tone consulting' service. For customers who want a makeup touch-up, we deliver safer service by using infrared thermometers and brush sterilizers. We are doing our best than ever to provide safer, richer service to customers who visit our store.

  • Beauty Crew and Park Do-kyung

eSpoir Hongdae Makeup Pub is adding more appeal as an offline store and not a simple sales outlet. We look forward to eSpoir Hongdae Makeup Pub enhancing its competitiveness through eSpoir's own unique content!

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