Edition 1. How Much Do You Know About Ginseng? - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
#The Story of Sulwhasoo Korean Herbal Medicinal Material
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Edition 1. How Much Do You Know About Ginseng?

  Ginseng has solidified its position as the key material used in Sulwhasoo products for the past 60 years. What is the hidden secret?Ginseng is never not on the 'top must-have items list' of tourists visiting Korea!Many have eaten ginseng or applied it to their skin. But how many really know well about ginseng?The interesting and surprising story of ginseng – Sulwhasoo's key ingredient – begins now.

What is Goryeo Ginseng?

 The scientific name for Goryeo ginseng is Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer. It belongs to the Panax genus and ginseng species, with 'C. A. Meyer' given from the name of the Russian botanist, Carl Anton von Meyer , who was the first person to name Goryeo ginseng as Panax ginseng . The origin of the word Panax is interesting. Pan- means 'all' or 'of everything', while Axos means 'medical' or 'medicine'. In combination, the word means 'all-healing or 'panacea'.
  • Goryeo ginseng that resembles the shape of the human body. Foreign ginseng such as American ginseng, Chinese ginseng (P. notoginseng), or Japanese ginseng are indicated as not 'ginseng or insam' but only as 'sam'. Only Goryeo ginseng is considered as 'insam'. (Source: Brief Introduction of Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer, JKMS 16, 2001)

 Planting Goryeo ginseng in another country doesn't necessarily lead to growing ginseng of the same shape or quality, which makes it our indigenous produce that represents Korea. Ginseng of the scientific name Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer – this is the definition of Goryeo ginseng in the wider sense.

 In the narrow sense of the definition, Goryeo ginseng is restricted to Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer that is cultivated and harvested in Korea only. For example, if you obtain Goryeo ginseng seeds in Korea and plant and grow them in China, they are not considered Goryeo ginseng.

 Then, what are the types of Goryeo ginseng?

Ginseng Is Not All the Same?

 Depending on the method of processing, ginseng has different names as follows.
  • Susam, Baeksam, Hongsam, Heuksam: there is a difference in color, shape and contents, and therefore, must be chosen according to preference and needs. (Source : MBN Cheonginuseol, 2018)

 One of the reasons Goryeo ginseng continues to hold worldwide recognition is the development of technology that allowed it to be stored easily. In other words, it was the invention of red ginseng. By repeating the process of steaming and drying ginseng (fresh ginseng, or susam), the moisture content of ginseng which accounts for 70-80% is reduced to less than 14%. This process is called the 'steam & dry' process. Due to the heat treatment, its composition becomes tight and the enzymes in the fresh ginseng become deactivated. As a result, the possibility of contamination and quality changing due to microorganisms drops significantly, allowing it to be stored for more than 10 years.

 When ginseng is made into red ginseng, it contains rare saponin that is not found in fresh ginseng or white ginseng. These rare saponins are more outstanding in preventing diseases and protecting health than ordinary saponins. Did our ancestors know from experience? That red ginseng has better medicinal effect and can be stored for a long time without its quality becoming destroyed, meaning that you can sell it in the market even after a long time.

 When red ginseng is put through several more steaming & drying process, it turns into a dark grey-colored 'black ginseng'. As fresh ginseng becomes red ginseng and then into black ginseng, it creates another new type of saponin and therefore, creates a differentiated value compared to red ginseng.

 However, some point out that black ginseng is burnt ginseng as it is exposed to excessive amount of heat treatment. In fact, in the late 2000s, carcinogen known as benzopyrene was found in black ginseng, causing confusion and concerns among consumers. It has now become safer due to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety's Safety Management Standards, but there are still risks.
  • Various types of ginseng saponins: processing methods change the composition of saponins, creating new saponins. (Source : The Comparison of Ginseng Saponin Composition and Contents in Steaming Ginseng Radix, Yakhak Hoeji 61(5), 2017)

 Fresh ginseng, white ginseng, red ginseng, and black ginseng – which one should we eat? It is always the choice of the customer, but they are in the end all ginseng.

 However, there are issues with eating ginseng.

Feeling Warm After Eating Ginseng?

 Among ginseng scholars, ironically Western scientists, have studied the Boncho Study (book on medicinal herbs) written in Chinese characters, and pointed out the warm properties of Goryeo ginseng and the cool properties found in Western ginseng. It is basically the grounds for an export strategy of Western ginseng set forth by the academic circle. They say that Western ginseng (American ginseng) lower body temperature, while Goryeo ginseng heats the body, and therefore risky for the old, women, children and people with diseases including high blood pressure.

 Even before such claims, there is this understanding in our culture as well that 'ginseng has warm properties, and you get warm when you eat ginseng'. However, many believe that this is not true. Professor Yim Sungvin 's team at the School of Medicine, Kyung Hee University, published a paper that it is difficult to say that ginseng raises body heat. Professor Lee Booyong 's team at the School of Medicine at Cha University published that ginseng actually prevents heat stress. Then, why does it seem as though ginseng gives us warm energy?

 That is because we respond to our bodies getting back to normal. The body must have the optimal level of immunity and bioactive compounds so that we have good metabolism with blood and lymph flowing well, but this is not always the case. By taking ginseng, these body functions normalize, and wouldn't that be why we feel a sense of 'energy'?

 Then where does ginseng grow? And, how do we need to take care of it?

Ginseng that Wishes to 'Avoid the Sun'

 We rarely hear someone shout "I found ginseng" from a large field or a mountain top. Wild ginseng, which used to grow below the shades of trees along the slope of the mountain facing north or northeast, now grows in sun shading structures created by man. The intensity of light that ginseng leaves absorb is not that high. But it doesn't mean that it doesn't need sunlight at all. After all, it does need photosynthesis. The important thing is that ginseng must have the sun to its back.

 When you drive along the countryside, you will find ginseng fields covered with black shade awnings. The sun shading facilities look towards north. This is the basic principle of growing ginseng – you need ventilation, but you must block the sun as much as you can. Now that we have navigation systems, this is not much information, but wouldn't you use it one day?
  • Half shade plant, ginseng: ginseng can dry out if it is exposed to direct sunlight. It must be grown in sun shading facilities facing north. (Source : Namwon News, 2016 / self-taken photo)

 Ginseng grows well avoiding direct sunlight and under sun shading facilities. Now, when is the best time to harvest?

6-year-old Ginseng is the Best?

 It is impossible to compare the size and components of 1 to 2-year-old young ginseng as they are not mature enough. When they become more than 3 years old, ginseng bears flower and fruit in preparation of reproduction. When they become 4 years old, the shape of the roots and active ingredients such as saponin per unit weight are at its peak. After 5 years, the size of ginseng(roots) becomes big and more like the shape of a human body.
  • Ginseng according to age (1 to 6 years): 6-year-old ginseng is the largest and in the best shape, but saponin contents peak at 4 years. (Source : Korea Ginseng Information Center, Korea Ginseng Association)

 The social awareness that 6-year-old ginsengs are the best was influenced by Korea Ginseng Corporation's marketing activities. KGC offers its own red ginseng products, and the shape and size of ginseng as well as its condition are the core elements that define quality. Ignoring the ingredients, six-year-old ginseng 'looks the best'. Also, KGC's ginsengs are grown by transplanting ginseng seedlings that have grown elsewhere for a year. And the seedlings are planted considering the angle in which they are planted in the soil and the distance between seedlings, making them look better when fully grown.

 Amorepacific generally uses ginseng aged more than 4 years. We direct sow the seeds starting from plowing the fields. Under the philosophy of focusing on ingredients rather than size or shape, Amorepacific conducts research to prove that 'ugly' ginseng is better for the skin.
  • Saponin content per age of ginseng: a comparison of saponins based on research on fresh ginseng by The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea was aired. (Source : MBC Complaint Zero. 2013)

 But wait. ginseng has replant disorder. Shall we leave this land and go seek another new land?

The Real Reason You Can't Grow Ginseng in the Same Soil

 Have you heard of the legend (?) that you can't grow ginseng again in the same land for at least 10 years after growing ginseng once because it apparently draws all the energy from the soil? It is true that you can't grow ginseng in the same soil again, but it's not because ginseng has absorbed all the fertility of the soil. Ginseng doesn't bring imbalance to the soil's nutrients or energy. They say ginseng takes less from the soil than radish we grow for radish kimchi. Then why is it that we can't grow ginseng in the same soil?

 The main reason is blight. Because ginseng must be grown in the same land for more than 4 years, the land holds not only existing pathogens but also new bacteria that settles in the land. Rice fields can be plowed every year and are irrigated every time, but this is not possible for ginseng fields. So, it is inevitable that there is an increase in soil microorganism as years go by.
  • 1-year-old ginseng damping-off: stems rot and cut off due to soil fungus every year in May, making farms struggle. (Source : self-taken photo)

 For ginseng farmers, the growth and development as well as the harvest of ginseng they cultivate now are important. But thinking about where their next ginseng farming should take place is equally important. It is important for them to look for the next land.

 Lastly, what should one do to make precious and valuable ginseng of more value?

Conventional vs. Organic Farming

 Ginseng is weak and tricky to handle, so cultivating ginseng is challenging. Farms especially use pesticides because ginseng plants are weak against diseases, and this is called conventional farming.

 Recently, with the rise in social awareness on customer safety and health, there is also an increase in the supply and demand for organic farming of ginseng, which was thought to be impossible before. With the advancements in cultivation technology, ginseng yield from organic farming is still less than conventional farming, but farmers can price their produce higher, so it's not entirely a loss.

 Humans created the concept 'produce' brought on by agricultural revolution. Maybe, nature surrounding us is not pure nature, but something artificial and man-made. Agricultural pesticides and chemical fertilizers are our way of increasing crop valuation. This made crops big, but weak. Shouldn't we take a few steps toward nature and naturalism again in order to ensure sustainable soil, healthy species and produce safer ginseng? This is why Sulwhasoo pursues organic ginseng farming although we have yet to achieve this 100%.
  • Organic ginseng AP experimental field: there is an Amorepacific ginseng field in Anseong, Gyeonggi-do. We are putting effort into growing safe and healthy ginseng. (Source : self-taken photo)

 The term heritage is not used just because there is a long history. It is given that name when we challenge ourselves despite difficulties, when we create a difference, change the game, think of restoring our ecosystems and nature, and when we pursue our happiness and health. Our heritage ginseng of the past and today must lead to the heritage ginseng of tomorrow.

 Then, what are the current and future technologies in cultivating this sensitive and tricky ginseng?Our next edition will present 'the life of ginseng and various production technologies'. Please don't miss it!

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