DTC Social Selling Strategy 2022 - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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DTC Social Selling Strategy 2022

Both established and emerging direct-to-consumer brands are strengthening their digital dialogue with consumers in an effort to further drive social media sales. 

Over the last decade, DTC brands largely catered to Millennial tastes (think minimalist and pastel designs which aligned with their affinity for clean and simple aesthetics). In 2022, DTC brands are evolving beyond these norms to reach younger social shoppers with new priorities.

Action points

1. Marry content and commerce

Social accounts focused on producing inspirational, educational and narrative-based content will fare far better than their retail-first counterparts, as consumers grow tired of paid social ads. Launch story-driven campaigns that educate or entertain shoppers with interesting and useful content

2. Seek out niche channels

DTC is all about deepening connection, and this can often be achieved more effectively on smaller-scale platforms or through more relatable voices. Curated newsletters, informative livestreams and connecting with consumers via direct messages are all methods to carve out deeper and more meaningful relationships

3. Encourage co-creation

DTC brands should tap into their fanbase’s preferences and work in harmony with them, rather than selling to them. Crowdsourcing consumer likes and dislikes via social polls and conducting exclusive Instagram Lives, Zoom calls or launching special Slack channels to gauge consumers' interests is key in this era of co-creation

4. Invest in thoughtful production

Brands should use their close community ties and ability to monitor interests to plan production accordingly. This strategy will enable brands to minimise waste and maximise impact by lending an ear to what fans truly want. They'll be able to deliver tailor-made products and drive loyalty and repeat purchases

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  • This material is based on articles published by WGSN. 
  • Written by : CMI Team

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