Why Daddy Wears an Apron - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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Why Daddy Wears an Apron

[Father’s Parenting Letter] #3 On Daddy’s Apron


Columnist In-bong Hwang (pseudonym)

Editor's note

The number of male parental leave users has been steadily increasing, and there has been considerable effort socially to encourage fathers' involvement in parenting.
In this vein, Amorepacific is launching a series of delightful letters written by its employee father to his son, sharing tales from his parenting journey.
For over 200,000 years of human parenting history, the grievances about the arduousness of changing diapers persist unabated. Sometimes, while picking up each grain of rice spilled by my son, I find, amusingly, that half of it ends up in my mouth. Mothers may engage in communal parenting with other mothers in the neighborhood, but fathers seldom have peers in parenting, thus voicing melancholic loneliness. Despite these challenges, having a son brings a spectrum of emotions and experiences, which are humorously and intricately shared through these letters, one by one.
Let's open the third of these parenting letters together.




Before you wake up,
I dress for work
and put on a red apron.

When you, my two-year-old, wake and come out of your room,
you touch the apron and ask,

"What’s this?"
“It’s an apron,” I reply.

“Daddy’s skirt?”
“No, it’s an apron.”

“Daddy’s skirt?”
“No, it’s an apron.”

“Daddy’s skirt?”
...“Yes, it’s Daddy’s skirt.”

You smile bashfully.
I feel a dip in my testosterone levels,
an odd sensation.

After dropping you off at daycare,

I navigated the 4-4 car of a crowded 3-line subway
bound for Ogeum,
finally finding a seat among the throng.

At Shinyongsan Station,

I rush to tag in on time,
pushing the heavy company door open and racing to my desk
—no time to waste.

Once seated,
I must send a brand introduction
to a new client today.

I visit the company website for reference,
and the first thing I see on the homepage
is the phrase,

"We make a more beautiful world."

I've pondered
what beauty means,
but I’ve never questioned
what “world” means...

The world...
What is the world...

I know the world
isn’t far away.

When you, my two-year-old,
fall asleep in my arms,
I know this.

I understand that the world
is slumbering within them.

When you, my two-year-old,
run into my arms,
I know this.

I realize the world
is nestled in my chest.

When you, my two-year-old,
jump around excitedly,
I know this.

I see the world growing...

and I brace myself
for a potential complaint from the downstairs neighbors.

The world isn't far away.

I realize that the world is everything
beside me right at this moment.

If I had held the heavy door
for the person behind me at Shinyongsan Station,
the world would have already been a more beautiful place.

If I offered my seat to the struggling person
in car 4-4 of the Ogeum-bound Line 3 subway,
the world would become more beautiful through that simple act.

The world is here,
right now,
in this crowded subway car 4-4.

The world is right now
in this Shinyongsan office
where my colleagues work alongside me.

The world is right now
in our cozy 24-pyeong home
where you and your mother are.

That world is the mission God has given me.

A world
he has allowed me
to beautify and enhance.

A better world
isn't made later
or somewhere distant.

It's made here and now,
in this moment and place.
It is only through having you that I came to understand this.

So, my son,

For my world,
I wear this apron with pride.

I am not
merely washing dishes or doing laundry.
I am making the world a better place.

With that in mind,

Daddy's skirt?
Daddy's apron.
Yes, Daddy's skirt.

I feel a surge of testosterone.

My son,
my world,

Even though it troubles me to leave my world
in someone else's hands as I head to work each day,
I ask her to take good care of my world.

And I pledge to treat
the worlds of others with care,
on my commute,
during my workday,
and on my way home.

At the same time,
I remind myself
that I am part of someone else’s world, too,
and vow to take good care of myself.

I hope you will do the same.

With love,
From Dad.




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