Amore Stories introduces a new message and artwork each month, offering inspiration on the theme of ‘beauty.’
Just as a bite of ice cream can make us forget the sweltering heat for a moment, why not infuse our lives with a touch of sweetness? Painful memories, sorrowful ones—when we revisit them with the sweetness of ice cream, they might transform into something more palatable. This August, Amore Stories has selected the works of artist Iurum, who offers a sweet form of healing through symbolic objects that evoke latent memories and delightful, taste-driven imagery.
Happiness isn't something you experience; it's something you remember. -Oscar Levant
Hello, I'm Iurum, an artist who explores themes of healing and recovery through sweet narratives.
#Artist Interview
Q. What message do you hope to convey through your artwork?
Iurum It's called "SWEETCH." As a portmanteau combining "sweet" and "switch," it encapsulates the idea of "sweet transformation." SWEETCH represents my belief system and is the core message of my work. Our lives are full of diverse memories, and how we recall them can make us happy or unhappy. So why not sweetly reframe these memories? I believe reminiscing about our lives beautifully ultimately shapes us into beautiful beings.
Q. Could you elaborate on the message of sweet transformation in your work?
Life in Ice Cream: This piece captures memories of my childhood. I grew up with busy, working parents and was often alone, unlike my friends, who were always with their parents. The solitude I felt while alone on the playground was lonely then, but looking back, I realize that an omnipresent force, a deity, was always with me. What was once a lonely existence has become a sweet driving force in my life through a lovely transformation.
Incredible MAKETO: I named the ‘Healing Bear,’ which carries a balm for wounds in its belly. It is called "Maketo" to imbue it with vitality. Despite its cute and sweet appearance, it is a hero who saves and helps me. The black mask gives it the feel of a mighty warrior.
Life in Dalgona: I wanted to evoke happiness through "Dalgona (honeycomb candy)." By incorporating various forms of Dalgona as a medium, I aimed to depict a world where people care for one another, help each other, and live in harmony. The large umbrella symbolizes a safe haven.
Own a piece of Iurum's art, which conveys messages of healing and recovery through sweet stories.
*The artwork is available for personal use only and is not to be used for commercial purposes.
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