Reflections Upon Receiving the Silver Button - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
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Reflections Upon Receiving the Silver Button

The Thoughts Behind Launching a Brand YouTube #2



Han Dahye Makeup Professionals Team

#Exciting News!


The HERA YouTube channel has finally surpassed 100,000 subscribers. Applying for the delivery of the Silver Button felt like turning a new page. Each morning, my first routine is to open the YouTube management page. Right after waking up, and several times throughout the day, I check various data points. Seeing the subscriber count tick over to a new magnitude brings a tangible sense of our channel's leap forward. Now, I intend to reassess our entire production process and refine our well-established series even further.





April 16, 2024, 4:32 PM.
The moment we reached 100,000 subscribers was captured!



Lately, we've been experimenting with the goal of ‘creating as much as possible’ in a short period. The result? Over about fifteen days, we produced and uploaded five long-form content videos, each lasting 10-20 minutes. The aim was to streamline the production period from pre-production to publication. Managing time and resources carefully, we’ve been simultaneously producing several series, eager to gauge our limits. We constantly strive to keep our channel vibrant and avoid falling through the cracks of the YouTube algorithm. Though it’s difficult to predict the exact impact, proactive content updates are known to draw new viewers and increase engagement among existing subscribers.



Five videos uploaded from March 29 to April 15!



While there are many challenges to refine and push forward, reaching this significant milestone has allowed us to reflect on the past. In renewing our brand's YouTube channel, we’ve encountered various trials and errors, and through these, we’ve gained numerous insights. In this column, I share some of those insights with you.



1 Purpose is Given, Meaning is Found: The Driving Force of Continuity


When I first took charge of the channel, the given objective was to create a 'Silver Button Channel.' Having a clear goal felt like running on a predetermined track. Many describe managing a YouTube channel as a continuous upward curve—over time, as content accumulates, the numbers inevitably increase, even if the pace varies. Initially, I nervously monitored the dashboard, obsessively rewatching the videos we uploaded, replaying every line and scene in my mind while waiting for reactions. There was never a dull moment as there was always a gap to fill.

However, constantly pushing for 'faster and more' left me physically and mentally drained to complete exhaustion. It took several bouts of illness before I realized that pursuing just '100,000 subscribers' was not my sole aim. If I merely chased numbers, I feared losing my love for this job forever. To sustain the joy of my work over the long term, I realized the need to find 'meaning in my work.' This internal question, "Is this truly meaningful?" greatly exhausted me. Every time the views didn't rise significantly, every time I felt unrecognized in the vast sea of YouTube, I felt increasingly worn out. However, my perspective changed entirely once I began striving to find ‘meaning’ in my work.

One series that vividly reminds me of 'Why I do this' is the ‘Color Exploration' series, produced in collaboration with the Makeup Research Division at Amorepacific R&I Center. This series features my key running mate and main MC, Researcher Kim Kyung-jin from Makeup LAB 3. Ms. Kim and I met in our company's 'Branded Content Research' learning organization. Her interest in content production was refreshing, and during our conversations, I was struck by her passionate attitude. Ms. Kim wanted to accurately convey to the public the new features of products developed after years of research by researchers. Though familiar to her, she recognized that the scientific knowledge might be challenging for the average consumer and wanted to simplify the delivery and learn more intuitive visual and content production techniques.



Always meticulously prepared, Researcher Kim Kyung-jin



Based on our common goals, we decided to spin off the 'Color Study' segment from the existing 'Fact Exploration' ' series and delve deeper into it. We overcame the physical distance between the headquarters and the lab. Team Leader Lee Jin-su actively supported communication and planning, allowing us to attempt content production faster than anticipated. Initially, we launched 'Exploring Color' with lighter topics, producing two Q&A sessions on 'tints/foundations.' As a result of establishing the production process, from the third installment, we were able to highlight the efforts of researchers behind new product development. In the episode 'Rouge Classy: Lip, Secrets of Adhesion,' we humorously unfolded two years of lipstick formulation research by Researcher Kim Soo-hyun from Makeup LAB 1. The dedication to new product development was also evident in the story of Researcher Kwon Ji-young from Makeup LAB 1, who developed HERA's signature color, 'Seoul Red.'





Recently, I've been enjoying the post-production of the fourth episode focused on the 'NEW Black Cushion Foundation.' Researcher Kim Sang-yoon from Makeup LAB 2 shared an intriguing story about convincing the leader to develop the 'first matte cushion' for makeup use. It was unexpectedly humorous when Researcher Choi Jung-sun from Makeup LAB 2, who first developed the cushion puff for Amorepacific, confessed to kneading it like a comfort doll when needing peace of mind. Converting depth and meaning in a video in under 20 minutes might be challenging. However, I believe that once consumers realize that these products are developed with such sincerity, they will undoubtedly recognize the uniqueness of our brand.



Behind the Scenes of ‘Color Exploration: Black Cushion Foundation'



2 Handling Products, Yet Ultimately Telling Human Stories: The Power of Authenticity


In creating content, I've realized that 'beauty deeply permeates everyday life.' There are strategies to maximize a brand's aura or emphasize a luxurious image, but on YouTube, I've found it necessary to shift the focus toward 'people.' I remember a conversation from my youth with my aunt, who worked in finance. Instead of specifying a style at the hair salon, she would discuss her company and role and request a 'design suitable for her job.' This was a fresh shock to me, who used to reference celebrity photoshoots, and it was a revelatory experience about how one's appearance must harmonize with their lifestyle.

The core concept behind the 'Lead Salon,' launched in 2022, is maybe makeup tutorials, but I believe it should be linked to the guests' personal stories. Based on this idea, I added the subtitle 'Seoulista Talk' to 'Lead Salon' and experimented with its execution. Like a talk show host, I handed cue cards to lead artist Donghyun and mixed various questions into the continuity based on hints from preliminary interviews with guests.



Lead Salon Seoulista TALK 'Professor Joo Yoon-jung'



This year, I am pursuing an even deeper exploration of people. The 'HERA Recommends' series, originally started with the theme of 'makeup artists' recommended item curation,' has been infused with a 'human documentary' format. In this revamped series, we visit people's workplaces to observe their makeup processes, where individual makeup skills reflecting each person's personality unfold, often eliciting admiration from the host, makeup artist Kang Jung chang. While it is common to use products according to the 'routine' set by the brand, I've discovered that HERA products are used in much more varied ways in real life.





Last week, I traveled to Geoje Island to capture the story of 'young haenyeo (female diver)' Jin So-hee. So-hee experiences firsthand the accumulating trash on the seabed and rising water temperatures each year, and she shared how it pained her to see the sea becoming sick. Accompanying her on her commute to the sea, I discovered many significant points unknown within the brand. Under the hot sun, the small area of her face not covered by her diving suit was exposed each time she entered the sea. She explained that she hesitated to use sunscreen because it contained ingredients that dissolve corals. However, she was grateful that HERA's sun stick did not include these ingredients, allowing her to protect her skin without worry. She mentioned several times how, with her hands coated in salt, touching her face caused her eyes to sting and her skin to become irritated. She found the stick form of sunscreen extremely useful as it allowed her to apply it without having to touch it with her hand.

While diving into the sea and catching various seafood on the spot, So-hee placed a yellow starfish in front of us. It was my first time seeing one up close, and it was both beautiful and fascinating. Surprisingly, these creatures deplete marine resources and are known as 'pirate species.' So-hee, a marine biology expert, was also well aware of the starfish's potent regenerative properties. She passionately repeated her requests to develop these properties into cosmetic ingredients. Through such series that uncover various forms of beauty, I am realizing new roles for beauty brands.



Seafood and starfish were freshly caught from the sea.


Haenyeo So-hee is showing off her eco-friendly pouch, which she received from Amore Mall.



3 Winning Hearts Before Anything Begins: The Art of Persuasion


Before we undertook the proactive renewal of our YouTube channel, the HERA channel was already a gathering place for fans of our brand ambassador 'Jennie' and those who loved our products. Many were not actively commenting or engaging but subscribed out of affection for the brand. Initially, setting a target audience felt incredibly complex. Who should our subscribers be fans of? The brand model Jennie? The makeup artists featured? Or simply the products themselves? Finding a balance within these nuanced relationships and integrating all elements to create a sustainable production environment was crucial.

Though the brand targets the luxury market, I was sure that our YouTube channel should not appear too mystical. We wanted the sophistication and creativity of 'Seoul Beauty' that HERA aims to express to feel familiar and accessible as Seoul itself on YouTube.

We concluded that traditional informative content focusing solely on the features of new products was not enough to attract subscribers. Thus, we boldly abandoned our existing series' safe approaches. We primarily used handy cams to simplify production and set guidelines for light editing and straightforward post-production. Instead of high-definition campaign videos, we opted for a style more suited to YouTube.

We recruited natural and engaging leading performers (HERA makeup artists Kim Donghyun, Kang Jung chang, Cha Min-kyung), delivered loose scripts instead of rigid ones, and created an atmosphere where conversations could flow freely. For instance, in the early 'HERA Recommends' series, we hosted the shoots at a popular eatery in Shinyongsan, providing delicious food and setting up the environment so that participants could look into each other's eyes rather than at the camera. This approach reduced the filming pressure on participants, helping them to unfold their narratives more naturally. We did not stop recording even when the urge to shoot product inserts or exert control arose; it was enough to note any necessary details and communicate them later. We believe viewers can only truly enjoy the content if they see the participants fully engaged on screen.



Artists immersed in conversation as if in a hideout
– Filming of HERA Recommends 'Habits for Better Skin'



These decisions and experiments were a direct challenge to the status quo. They deviated sharply from the elegant and refined videos that emphasized professionalism. I believe that persuading is the essence of my job when I feel the need to forge a new path, even if it means advocating something different from the norm and facing opposition. Ultimately, we must persuade a broad audience, so internal persuasion is a critical first gate. Considering the perspectives of team members and other departments and not bringing them aside would mean any great idea could disappear before it ever reached an external audience.

To be honest, I'm not sure if I possess such 'remarkable persuasive power'; I'm still relatively lacking. Persuasion is the skill I most wish to master. Yet, reflecting on these struggles reminds me of its importance. Thanks to colleagues like Team Leader Lee Jin-su and Executive Director Lee Ji-youn, who supported bold decisions, I've been able to grow the channel meaningfully. Doubting myself and the pressure to prove the outcomes were distressing quickly, but there are no definitive answers to anything. It's important to persistently pursue a well-founded belief and engage more people's empathy throughout the process.



#And Yet It Remains Unfinished


Every day, I still habitually check the dashboard within the YouTube management channel. It retains traces of the people who have visited, and I use this data to make more informed decisions. The 'HERA Recommends', offering a glimpse into various lives, has about 1.5 times the viewing duration, and 'Good Morning Shinyongsan' garners the most active comments. I check which scenes capture more attention, which videos get more likes relative to views, and which thumbnail designs have higher conversion rates. There are still many secrets to understand regarding the algorithm. With such tasks remaining, I still feel excited. Until I can accurately articulate all this tacit knowledge and until we can create even more meaningful content, I will continue to grow the HERA YouTube channel.




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