Introducing the columns written by member of Amorepacific Group
Marcos Alberti Wine project
ColumnistYang Jungah
Amorepacific Daily Beauty MC Team
Farewell to the blues: Château Chasse-Spleen
A wine accompanied by Picasso and Chagall :
Château Mouton Rothschild
1. Double Portrait with Wine Glass by Marc Chagall
2. La bouteille de vin (The Wine Bottle) by Pablo Picasso
3. The photo of Picasso at a bar in Malaga
1. 1970 Château Mouton Rothschild label by Marc Chagall
2. 1973 Château Mouton Rothschild label by Pablo Picasso
3. 2013 Château Mouton Rothschild label by Lee Ufan
4. Artist Labels
1. Ernest Hemingway's granddaughter Margaux Hemingway and wine
2. Chateau Margaux
3. Dom Pérignon Andy Warhol Tribute Collection
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