Plant Creative Team Padosikmul - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
#Garden of Choices
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Plant Creative Team Padosikmul

What is the chance of a seed separated from a tree grows into a tree again? A journey of a seed to reach the unreached always begins with a bold decision. A blade of grass, a flower and a tree all embody an attitude for life that helps us to look into ourselves. There is one person who carefully listened to these stories of plants to achieve his own dreams. In 1960, a massive violet lavender field the late founder of Amorepacific Suh Sung-whan experienced during an inspection trip to Europe further reinforced his belief in the power of plants. He began his business with flowers and plants and dreamed of introducing the most Korean cosmetic products, serving tea that represents Korea, and even more, opening a botanic garden to offer a place to rest. These dreams are still ongoing within us. After all, plants have been the source of a forest called Amorepacific.
The [Garden of Choices] project believes in the infinite value and power of plants and aims to look back on the path Amorepacific has walked and capture the bold choices and journeys it has taken. We hope that all of us who are struggling every day in our own place to make difficult decisions, whether big or small, can find the courage to move forward.

Plants were the source of courage and encouragement in the past as they are today. From lavender fields in Grasse (Southern France) to Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania (U.S.), the founder and the former president of Amorepacific, Suh Sung-Whan (also called ‘Jangwon(粧源); well-established source’), in his youth, found inspiration and courage from various arboreta, gardens, and farms around the world, much like the generation today. Here, stories of today’s generation, who explores and expands new territories through plants, have been captured directly from their workrooms, where they devote their undivided attention to plants as Jangwon did in his garden, and have been compared with Jangwon’s stories. For our first story, we interviewed ‘Padosikmul,’ currently preparing in-house campaign with Amorepacific. Padosikmul is a plant creative team known for their unique perspectives and values embodied in their projects. These are their stories.

A Bigger World Through the Language of Plants

How much of your lives are affected by plants? Eating, dressing, watching, building, and having fun. Though life takes many forms, plants are found in every step of life’s journey. Recently, plants and the consolations they provide have been garnering more attention, and there is a plant team that operates based solely on its autonomy. Padosikmul, which strives to bring plants closer to everyday life, is preceded by the title, ‘Plant Creative Team.’ The story of pado (Korean word for wave), which ebbs and flows, and that of sikmul (Korean word for plant), which anchors roots in one place, embody the team’s wishes: to form future relationships like pado and sikmul, which complement each other. Their stories unfold with much wit and boldness, inviting us to delve deeper into the language of plants.

Plant Bar ‘Good Power,’ Director Bok Changmin & Cho Mieun / Photo provided by : Photographer

I heard that Padosikmul, as a team, embraces variety of characters. Could you tell us more about how Padoskimul came to be and the story behind its name?

Current team was formed in Jeju. Two of the directors did not study plants, though they had great dilligence and stamina. We wanted to work with people who could contribute new perspectives and experience. Currently, our team comprises those who used to be an art director, a copy writer, a pro-gamer team coach, and a staff from Korean Electric Power Corporation. When we introduce Padosikmul, we say ‘we work with plants.’ Plants are the center of all our projects. The name simply denotes our wish to form relationships like the one between the waves and the plants; plants, which cannot travel otherwise, can cross the ocean by riding on the waves.

Plant Bar ‘Good Power,’ Director Bok Changmin & Cho Mieun / Photo provided by : Photographer


It is introduced that Padosikmul is ‘expanding its horizon by anchoring roots along the paths between Seoul and Jeju, much like the seeds of Goldenrain trees that travel freely on the waves and the wind.’ How did the activities between those two places, Seoul and Jeju, shape Padosikmul?

Though parts of the same country, it has been interesting, especially for people like us, who work with plants, to try activities in different regions that do not share the same climate. It has certainly allowed us to work with a wider range of plants, with a greater number of people, on a broader range of projects. Being able to work with diverse groups of people have been one of the great advantages. I would appreciate opportunities in the future to work outside of Korea.

Plants in Jeju, another source of inspirations. / Photo provided by : instagram@padosikmul


(Center) GREEN HUG. 2019 (Clockwise) Collaborative work with Rondi 'Finding Im Seonhwa' 2023 CA-VANGVANG. 2018 SANSO. 2019 Plants at the exhbition. 2019 / Photo provided by: instagram@padosikmul

Padosikmul is known for using ‘plants and nature’ as mediums to communicate with visitors at various sites. What inspired you to work almost exclusively with plants and not other objet?

I used to sell bouquets for graduation ceremonies to pay rent. Couple of months later, I sold plants in the streets. As the time went by, I found it natural to communicate with people through plants. After completing various projects and showroom events, I became not only adept at making sales, but also at communicating specific messages through plants. I find it interesting to relay messages and emotions through plants, which are full of life.

(Center) GREEN HUG. 2019 (Clockwise) Collaborative work with Rondi 'Finding Im Seonhwa' 2023 CA-VANGVANG. 2018 SANSO. 2019 Plants at the exhbition. 2019 / Photo provided by: instagram@padosikmul


In November 2021, Padosikmul opened a space called ‘Good Power.’ What inspired Padosikmul to open ‘Good Power,’ a showroom extended and a space where plants, cuisine, and culture are harmonized?

What we are selling are not plants, but ‘life in harmony with plants.’ I have great memories of cooking and sharing meals with the team in the workroom inundated with plants. I simply started from those memories. A special place filled with plants we love, where we cook and dine with friends we love. We decided to call that 3,500 sqft space ‘Good Power.’ hoping for it to become a place where people exchange courage. Particularly, the first showroom we opened at Hyochang (2015) has been the motto for ‘Good Power.’ We wanted a ‘Plant Open Space’ where friends exchange synergy through various exhibitions, performances, and contents with plants at the center of them all.

(Clockwise) D&Department Jeju, Freitag, Aesop. Collaboration with various brands / Photo provided by: instagram@padosikmul

Padosikmul has been collaborating with various businesses and brands, such as D&DEPARTMENT JEJU, Knotted, Freitag, KUHO, Aesop. It is also working with galleries and holding pop-up exhibitions. I noticed that despite collaborating with others, Padosikmul never once lost its true colors. What are the key elements you try to retain while collaborating with others?

We first think about what Padoskimul would be good at. Regardless of project sizes, we always place the message or the impression we would like to leave at the center of our project. I think such thought processes have led to the success of our projects because they allow us to deliver our messages as clearly as possible. At Padosikmul, we value checking and rechecking over pursuing different approaches.

(Clockwise) D&Department Jeju, Freitag, Aesop. Collaboration with various brands / Photo provided by: instagram@padosikmul


While working in an advertising company, ECD (Executive Creative Director) Kim Hocheol, who used to be my mentor, taught me a ‘RUM’ attitude which I am still applying today. RUM, which stands for Relevevant, Unexpected, and Memorable, has been the checklist I had for every project.

Pine tree sapling presented to visitors at collaborative event with Freitag / Photo provided by: instagram@padosikmu


I am curious about how Padosikmul plans and operates its projects.

Padosikmul not only works with landscaping, but also does every kind of project that deals with plants. At times, however, depending on the project type, we do not work with plants in a literal sense. More often than not, our projects start from peculiar questions posed during the meetings.

RESORT BLUE. 2019 / Photo provided by: instagram@padosikmul

For example, collaboration with Kuho started from the question ‘if flowerpots are the houses for plants, what would be the resorts for plants?’ We created the final product by building a 500 ceramic objet. Though Padosikmul is known for working with plants, I don’t think every project should have plants.
What is most important is for the team to perceive, utilize, and experiment with various outlets, be they landscaping, directing, or exhibiting. Also, tending to project sites is considered the top priority while working with plants. The concept for d room of D&Department Jeju was the ‘Green Noise’. With plants rising in importance and popularity, instead of exhibiting plants in a traditional way, we wanted to exhibit them in a ‘White Noise’ way; present but invisible, we wanted to design a natural space where ‘Green’ has permeated without being disruptive. When project requests are made, we take ample time to study and understand what is necessary and brainstorm ways through which specific experience could be presented in a Padosikmul style.

GREEN NOISE. 2020 / Photo provided by :


Could you share with us your most memorable experience and the challenges you had to overcome while working on projects.

People who work with plants are rewarded as much as the time and the efforts they put in. There are no finish lines for our projects because plants grow everyday. Taking care of plants at D&Department Jeju has been the hardest challenge of them all. It was not easy for us to look after plants everyday, which involved repeated tasks that lacked dynamics we were used to; we were more accustomed to working in a fast-paced environemnt, working through projects after projects in the busiest city of Korea. Many times I wanted to quit, but now that those times have passed, I feel like what we tended to, for the past 3 years, were not the plants, but ourselves.

It is our job to tend and protect. /Photo provided by: (Left & Right)instagram@padosikmul


I heard that you decided to work for [Garden of Choices] after reading the former president’s biography <Cosmetics Again, If Born Again>. You said that you wanted to have conversation with 36-year-old Jangwon in the botanical garden he dreamed of.

I had an interview assignment at school once. I decided to interview my grandfather and had a deep conversation with him. I thought about that assignment when I was offered to work for the project. I pictured Jangwon as a kind, old man nexdoor, instead of the businessman who built a longstanding corporation, and wondered ‘what kind of conversation would I have with him, if given an hour’? Probably no trite answers. Wise men’s teachings tend to hold heavy weight, just like “do not lie” by Jangwon and “I will give you your work, instead of letting you help my work” by Yoon Dokjung. I thought that conversation with each Amorepacific staff would not be any different from the one I might have with the entire Amorepacific group, and that is how I built the story for the project.

1984, Former President Suh Sung-Whan during an interview for a magazine (Big Man, Businessman) / Photo provided by: excerpt from the magazine


What kind of imaginary conversation did you have with Jangwon?


Former President Sung-Whan Suh in his youth

I thought about having an enjoyable conversation. For a starter, I asked Jangwon to have Pyongyang Naengmyeon with me. I really like Pyonyang Naengmyeon and wanted to ask him how authentic Pyongyang Naengmyeon tastes like. Also, though probably yet to follow his footsteps, I wanted to have conversation about plants. Particularly, being a 36-year-old myself, I was curious about 36-year-old Jangwon’s ideas and attitudes. I think that was part of the reason why I found his visits to the Southern France and Europe (1960) so relatable. Different time and different place notwithstanding, his words would have been a valuable opportunity for me to reflect myself.

I heard that you paid visits to Dolsongi Tea Garden and gardens at the headquarter before starting the project because you consider working sites critical components of projects.

The visit to the Dolsongi Tea Garden in August of last year left a lasting impression on me. I think anyone who does landscaping will understand. The tea garden was a pure testimony of toils and sweats. I could not even begin to fathom the amount of work that was put into the place. Just imagine tilling the land and planting the tea saplings with the limited equipment at the 70’s. It was such a humbling experience for me. I had the similar experience when I visted the Amore Garden on the 5th floor of the the headquarter. I was humbled and motivated at the same time. When I heard that such sophisticated landscape was done by Korea’s first generation landscape architect Jung Youngsun, I felt like I still had a long journey ahead.

What have you gained from this project? New goals or changes in thoughts?

The project itself has been a great challenge and a voyage for us. The valuable expereince we had, collaborating with Amorepacific, will remain in us and continue to help us in our journey.

[Garden of Choice] Padosikmul and Amorepacific at key visual shooting site / Photo provided by: Photographer Saiida


What would you like for project staffs to glean from [Garden of Choices]?

I would like them to be true to themselves. People who are true to themselves are the kind that are the most charistmatic, daring, and remarkable. The project holds a story which, though having started from one person, resonates with the many. Whether in an organization, within a family, or amongst a group of friends, only those who are true to themselves make daring choices.

Since the time it was founded by the former president Suh Sung-Whan, Amorepacific has always found its strength in plants and has been working towards sustainable coexistence with nature. What is the philosophy of Amorepacific that you have experienced through the project?

Before getting to know the former president Suh Sung-Whan and his philosophy, I always thought plants are what change people to become ‘plant growers.’ Come to think of it, it was the relationship I had at childhood with plants and various encounters I had, along the choices I made in life, with plants, that wove us together. Initially, my relationship with plants started at the flower shop my mother used to run. Since middle school, every February, I sold flower bouquets at graduations. I used to really hate that, but ironically, selling plants is what I do now. Much like my experience, the former president has memories galore to share. The backyard of the nextdoor neighbor, his mother’s camellia oil, selling ginseng at his hometown, Pineapple Museum by DOLE at Hawaii, the list goes on and on. I think the memories he had with plants became the foundation upon which he built his philosophy. What I respect the most about him is his execution skill. Many acknowledge the potential, the value, and the power plants hold, but only few act upon such knowledge.

‘Padosikmul/1.5,’ Showroom at Hannam, open unil 2021 / Photo provided by: instagram@padosikmul

There are a lot of people nowadays who try to find plant-rich places or raise plants themselves at their own house. What do you think is the sustaining force behind this new trend of popularity and consumption?

There are people who actually think about what it means to share a space with plants and there are others who blindly follow the latest trend. Either way, it is great that plants popularity and sales have grown. Though some may give up on the way, despite having carefully tended to the plants of their choosing, it is the process itself that builds relationships. While it is great that consumption is fueled by the latest trend, what is even more wonderful is that the trend is serving as an opportunity for people to discover their interests in plants.

‘Padosikmul/1.5,’ Showroom at Hannam, open unil 2021 / Photo provided by: instagram@padosikmul


Post-pandemic, ‘plant butler’ and ‘veranda farmer’ have grown in numbers, attesting to the popularity of plants and gardening. Have there been instances where you felt that people’s attitudes towards plants have changed?

Actually, I don’t think much has changed. I think people’s attitudes towards plants, gardens, and nature follow a cycle. Though people say plant investing (siktech in Korean) has risen in popularity, plants have been used as a form of currency or investment since long time ago. Peppers and tulip bulbs are such examples. Exotic plants tended to spike people’s interest as much as they do now.
Still, I think it is noteworthy that raising plants have significantly grown in popularity as reflected by new compounds words; these words are combinations of ‘plants’ and other words, such as ‘companion,’ ‘butler,’ and ‘interior.’ I must say that I do feel like the level of knowledge has improved. People have become quite meticulous when it comes to purchasing plants, which I think is a good thing. Information is more accessible than before and it is not hard to compare information gathered from various sources.

Showroom at Jeju, ‘Padosikmul/in between’ / Photo provided by : Photographer


Raising a plant is both a challenge and a choice. A lot of people do not even give it a try. They worry that they may not do a good job. Do you have tips you can provide to those people who hesitate to take the challenge?


(Left & Right) D&Department Jeju in progress / Photo provided by : Photographer

People worry about plants withering away when they have lettuce with meat and make salad with vegetable. What I am trying to say is, people should not let too much of emotion get in the way of raising plants. So what if you are not good at raising plants?
Just like flowers in a vase that you change after a couple of days, prices of plants are prices you pay for the pleasure of their company, no matter how fleeting it may be. Many think gardening is a skill that requires lifelong training. But if you still wish to be with plants? Study them as much as you can, and make the choice.

Padosikmul always has new activities to share. What are some new activities you would like to try next?

We have connected dining with plants through ‘Good Power.’ As the next step, we would like to try relaxing with plants. We would like to share our experience of taking a rest after a long day, in a room we share with plants.

Padosikmul, looking forward to taking a rest with plants / Photo provided by: Photographer

Plant Bar ‘Good Power,’ about 3,500 sqft space shared with plants / Photo provided by: Photographer

Padoskimul is a group of brave voyagers aboard a ship sailing the world, learning to communicate and breathe through plants. Padosikmul’s message has its source in plants and their stories; even a small blade of grass has great stories to tell.

Aug 2022, Visiting Botanical Garden (Raw Material) at Osan / Photo provided by : instagram@padosikmul

Plants are another form of language for Padosikmul, which sails across Seoul and Jeju, ‘much like the seeds of Goldentrain trees that travel on the waves and the wind.’ As they travel without limits, plants anchor roots in our lives with power only matched by their freedom.
Photo / Padosikmul’s official Instagram (@padosikmul), Photographer, Saiida Editor / Rawpress General Planning / Amorepacific Communications Team *NewsSquare has the copyright of the interview, film, and the manuscript.

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