Let’s Not Forget the Excitement of the First Day - AMORE STORIES - ENGLISH
#First Time at AP
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Let’s Not Forget the Excitement of the First Day

Q. Share with us your first impression of the company on your first day.
A. I was deeply moved by the company building, which looked like an art gallery, and the attention to detail one can find even in restrooms furnished with hand creams. I heard that Amorepacific is a great company especially for women to work at, but there are no women at the unit I work at. I will become the flower of my unit! (Sorry, fellow team members :D)

Q. Tell us a bit about your past work experience.
A. As the person responsible for application security at a financial institution, I was in charge of reviewing and inspecting information security. I supported and guided information systems so that they comply with relevant policies and defend against hacks. I was dedicated to improving the level of security of our systems by verifying after a development was complete.

Q. Give yourself a word of encouragement for successfully joining the company!
A. Let's not forget the excitement of my first day and do my best!

Q. Share with us your first impression of the company on your first day.
A. I came to work on the first day worried. But I was relieved and felt reassured when I greeted everyone, and they welcomed me with a warm smile despite being busy with work. I was happy to feel everyone's warm welcome I felt on the first day of my internship once again.

Q. Where do you see yourself in one year?
A. At one month into my time here at the company, there are things I am learning for the first time and many more to learn about. But in a year... there still may be things I need to learn, but I hope to carry out my duties with more confidence, especially, those I regularly conduct on a monthly basis!

Q. Give yourself a word of encouragement for successfully joining the company!
A. I am sure I'll adapt and grow at the company with the support of great members and team head I have the pleasure of working with for the first time!

Q. Share with us your first impression of the company on your first day.
A. I saw in every corner of the company building that Amorepacific is a company that pursues beauty.

Q. Tell us a bit about your past work experience.
A. I was a person in charge of HRD at a company and an agency, developing and conducting educational solutions to support the growth of employees and lead changes in the organization.

Q. Give yourself a word of encouragement for successfully joining the company!
A. You did a great job, today too.

Q. Share with us your first impression of the company on your first day.
A. I was excited to work at a building that is beautiful and magnificent but was also a bit nervous at the thought of having to adapt in a new environment. I remember how thoughtful and considerate my team senior members were to me on the two first days at work – once as an intern and another as a newcomer.

Q. Where do you see yourself in one year?
A. I will be handling my responsibilities proficiently. And I will be close with my fellow team members! I will have become a better person than today!

Q. Give yourself a word of encouragement for successfully joining the company!
A. You did a great job focusing on getting here from application review process in February to final announcement in July :) Let's be someone confident and not lose sight of my original goal!

Q. Share with us your first impression of the company on your first day.
A. OMG, this is so amazing. Everything will be great.

Q. Tell us a bit about your past work experience.
A. I worked in container and package design at Missha and Banila Co.

Q. Give yourself a word of encouragement for successfully joining the company!
A. Let's always be healthy and happy!

Q. Share with us your first impression of the company on your first day.
A. It was the first time moving to another company, so I was worried a lot. But I felt at home and comfortable without any awkwardness or nervousness because of the help and support from not only my team members, but also from other teams. I am grateful.

Q. Tell us a bit about your past work experience.
A. I began my career in finance and had tax related responsibilities, such as corporate tax adjustments or response/appeal in tax investigations for six and a half years before joining AP.

Q. Give yourself a word of encouragement for successfully joining the company!
A. This is a good opportunity. Do your best.

Q. Share with us your first impression of the company on your first day.
A. I fell in love with the building, which is not only beautiful on the outside, but also considerate of the members inside. :)

Q. Tell us a bit about your past work experience.
A. I worked in operation and project QA at an online shopping mall.

Q. Give yourself a word of encouragement for successfully joining the company!
A. Don't be hasty and take on things one at a time.

Q. Share with us your first impression of the company on your first day.
A. I loved the building atmosphere. I really liked it when I visited the 1st to 3rd floors of the building for the interviews, but the floor I work on has wide windows with a view of a thick green forest, making it a pleasant place to work.

Q. Tell us a bit about your past work experience.
A. I helped establish international/domestic digital strategies of brands at an advertising company. I mostly handled electronic devices such as smartphones, TVs, and laptops. So, beauty is a new and interesting area for me.

Q. Give yourself a word of encouragement for successfully joining the company!
A. You did very well.

Q. Share with us your first impression of the company on your first day.
A. My fellow team members work in a light and positive atmosphere, so I received a lot of positive energy during the one month since joining AP. I, too, want to become someone who can contribute to the team~ ^^

Q. Tell us a bit about your past work experience.
A. I helped establish company-wide DW and provide necessary indicators and data to management and other members at an organization that created various contents like games and easy payment. I was proud to be part of improving services and enhancing company performance through the use of data.

Q. Give yourself a word of encouragement for successfully joining the company!
A. Congratulations on your new beginning at Amorepacific~!!!

Q. Share with us your first impression of the company on your first day.
A. I was able to start my first day at AP in a relaxed mind thanks to the warm welcome I received from my team head and fellow team members.

Q. Tell us a bit about your past work experience.
A. I worked at the Asia office of an American cosmetics brand, in charge of display and related visual work of APAC stores.

Q. Give yourself a word of encouragement for successfully joining the company!
A. I hope you can grow with AP based on all your experience until now! Great job, and let's continue the good work. :)

Q. Share with us your first impression of the company on your first day.
A. Amorepacific Global Headquarters building is famous for its beauty. So, I was always curious to find out about the inside workspaces. I was impressed with the very well organized and sophisticated atmosphere, and I thought that the people inside the building focusing on each of their roles were those who made up what AP really is about.

Q. Tell us a bit about your past work experience.
A. I am a frontend developer :) I developed a platform service where fashion designers can simulate 3D clothing design results on the web and collaborate and communicate together.

Q. Give yourself a word of encouragement for successfully joining the company!
A. Let's continue to do your best with the given opportunities! Find your own happiness. :)

Q. Share with us your first impression of the company on your first day.
A. The building is beautiful and always clean. The food is delicious. It smells nice (?)

Q. Tell us a bit about your past work experience.
A. I worked as a data analyst at an IT company that managed a global communication app. I mostly handled analyzing marketing efficiency and user behavior.

Q. Give yourself a word of encouragement for successfully joining the company!
A. Fighting! Always do your best.

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